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好吧,但是我建议您买橙连鳍鲑鱼。Okay, but I suggest that you take the orange roughy.

厚重、张扬、硬朗、粗犷成为皮质的一个设计趋势。Sincere, makes widely known, hale and hearty, becomes a cerebral cortex's design tendency roughy.

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水银和其他一些金属已经在金枪鱼、罗非鱼、海豹、北极熊和其它寿命较长的动物体内发现。Mercury and other metals turn up in tuna, orange roughy , seals, polar bears and other long-lived animals.

因为您太太今天早些时候来这儿告诉我说,如果您过来的话,让我告诉您买橙连鳍鲑鱼。Because your wife came in earlier today and said that if you came by, I should tell you to take orange roughy.

科学家说,牠的命运是一个警世故事,与先前被大量滥捕的纽西兰红鱼类似。Scientists say its fate represents a cautionary tale much like that of its heavily harvested forerunner, orange roughy.

因为您太太今天早些时候来这儿告诉我说,如果您过来的话,让我告诉您买橙连鳍鲑鱼。您太太说今天晚上她想吃橙连鳍鲑鱼。Because your wife came in earlier today and said that if you came by, I should tell you to take orange roughy. She prefers that for supper tonight.

据介绍,目前沙发强调的粗犷、张扬风格成为引领该行业潮流的卖点。It is reported that the sofa emphasizes roughy at present, makes widely known the style to become eagerly anticipates this profession tidal current the selling point.

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欧盟渔业处长乔.伯格表示,欧盟各部会长已同意在二○一○年以前逐步淘汰纽西兰红鱼与深海鲨鱼的捞捕。这两者都面临过度捞捕的威胁。EU Fisheries Commissioner Joe Borg said EU ministers agreed to phase out catches of orange roughy and deep-water sharks by 2010. Both are also threatened by overfishing.

欧洲渔业总管已呼吁实施严格的捕捞限额制,来保护奇特的深海物种以及禁止深海鲨鱼和橙连鳍鲑的拖网捕捞。The chief of Europe's fisheries has called for stricter quotas to protect exotic deepwater species and a ban on trawling for deep-sea sharks and orange roughy from 2010.

一个例子就是橙涟鳍蛙,据报道第一次捕到是在二十世纪七十年代,到1990年到达顶峰,然而从那以后所有发现这种鱼类地方的产量都明显下滑。One example is the orange roughy . Catches of this fish were first reported in the late 1970s, peaked around 1990, and since then have declined in every area where it has been exploited.