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他是个投机商。He is a profiteer.

我觉得自己就像一个战时的奸商。I feel like a war-time profiteer.

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他想在这笔肮脏的交易中捞一把。He tried to profiteer from this dirty deal.

您好,我是奸商公司。Nice to meet you, I represents Profiteer company.

要是既能玩游戏,又能赚大钱,这样该有多好啊!If can play game already, can profiteer again, it is good to should have many so!

医闹“现象的蔓延,引起了学者和业内人士的关注。The spread of "medical dispute profiteer", attracted academics and the industry's attention.

如果空气是再循环的,比如食品工业,可以用低效的前置过滤器。If the air is recalculated in e. g. the food industry a less effective profiteer can be used.

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萨纳德告诉法庭他否认“被指控是一名令人厌恶的战时投机商。Mr Sanader told the court that he denied “the charge of being a war profiteer with repugnance.

另一方面,由于体育具有公益性和全民性的特点,体育本身也成为发行彩票的主要受益者。Other side, sport itself is the main profiteer owing to the sport's charitable and public feature.

你还真是够狡猾的,希望在我们合作的这段时间你能多少有点进取心。You are certainly a profiteer . Hopefully you will be as enterprising during our time working together.

和在此之前,在很多人看来,开发商是奸商牟取暴利代表行业。And Prior to that, in many people's eyes, the developer is to profiteer profiteering on behalf of industry.

而且自己还开了一个服装店,号称是第一个埃及中文“倒爷”。She has also opened a boutique, and earned herself the reputation for being the first "Chinese profiteer" in Egypt.

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尤为突出的是福建省,从一个产金小省一跃成为产量、效益大省。Fujian is especially outstanding, jumping from a small gold producing province to a big gold producer and big profiteer.

米德大夫说他们还是应当把他绞死,只不过绞刑太便宜这个窃贼和投机商了----亲爱的,你怎么了,怎么这副样子!Dr. meade says they ought to hang him anyhow only hanging is too good for a thief and a profiteer --dear you look so oddly!

贪神是一位逐利者,他是一名金匠的儿子,想要,用自己的才智,劳动与汗水投资换取利润。Mammon is the profiteer. Mammon is the goldsmith's son who wants to invest his talents with labor and with hard work in order to showa profit.

新德勒和其他完人典范完全不同,他以战争投机分子的身分崛起,靠战争赚进数百万元,最后却散尽家财,冒著生命危险,拯救1300名犹太人。The unlikeliest of all role models who started by earning millions as a war profiteer and ended by spending his last pfennig and risking his life to save his 1300 Schindlerjews.