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喜欢红色来自太阳崇拜Favoring red comes from worship of the sun

州长公开表明过他赞成修筑那新公路。The governor is on record as favoring the new highway.

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但是他们为了支持某个卖家,会为此付费。But they do pay for them, by favoring one vendor over another.

投资者意向抛空,股票持续下滑。Stocks continue their slide with investors favoring a sell-off.

是否和喜欢一个明星运动员一样平等和主观?Or is it as equal, and as arbitrary, as favoring a star athlete?

结构护理有帮助的1.2的让步比无显著意义。The odds ratio of 1.2 favoring structured care was nonsignificant.

西装革履先生正在关心他的左膝。压力适当的话,他会唱起来的。Mr. Clean's favoring his left knee. Right amount of pressure, he'll sing.

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当希腊舰队停驻在奥利斯海港时,风向一直不顺。As the Greek ships gathered at the port of Aulis, no favoring wind blew up.

人们为什么不受高价糖果和主菜的诱惑?Why weren’t people duped into favoring the high-priced candies and entrees?

中巴经济走廊是个基于贷款偿付协议的中国单方受益的项目。The CPEC deal is a one side favoring China in terms of loan pay back agreement.

在顺境中修行,永远不能成佛。You'll never become Buddha if cultivating yourself under favoring circumstance.

他们改变各种条件以确定哪些条件有助于种子发芽。They varied the conditions to determine those favoring the germination of seeds.

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在与梅德韦杰夫握手之后,他小心翼翼地坐下,身体右倾。After shaking hands with Mr. Medvedev, he sat down gingerly, favoring his right side.

Serebriakov和其他交易商表示,月底仓位调整的资金流动有利欧元.Serebriakov and other traders said month-end rebalancing flows were favoring the euro.

首先,我们希望这样,但确定他们会攻击我们支持富人。We wanted that in the first place but were sure they'd attack us as favoring the rich.

里海地区的生产商青睐通过俄罗斯境内,将能源输出到欧洲市场或中国。Caspian Sea producers are favoring Russia as their route to European markets or to China.

其他员工见到我偏心于他们的同事会立即流露出不满。Other employees see me favoring their peers over themselves and quickly become displeased.

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首先,我如果我的写作风格招致男性或女性的不高兴,我道歉先。Firstly, I apologize beforehand if any of my writing style comes off favoring either gender.

NAMA遭到了强烈反对,因为它被看成偏向股东而损害了纳税人的利益。NAMA faces strong opposition because it is seen as favoring shareholders at taxpayers' expense.

兼并增加,有利于一些最强大的国家,包括秦,晋,齐,楚。Annexations increased, favoring the several most powerful states, including Qin, Jin, Qi and Chu.