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相信生命不息。Believing ceaseless life.

演出结束时,全场响起经久不息的掌声。At the end, there was ceaseless applause.

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他们之间冲突似乎没个止息。The conflict between them seems ceaseless.

他因不停的疼痛已精疲力尽了。He had been outworn with His ceaseless pains.

元展开为德性与生生不息。Yuan is unfolded as virtues and ceaseless producing.

只有在手指不断接触下,触摸屏才会产生应答。Touch screens respond to the ceaseless caress of our fingers.

这是他们十年不懈劳动所取得的成果。This was what they achieved after ten years of ceaseless labour.

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我不断的不断的努力学会坚强,能够握住属于我的吗?My ceaseless ceaseless effort learns adamancy, can you handhold belong to me?

所以我是用不断的宣传来制作人气的。So I am to use ceaseless conduct propaganda to come to what producer enrages.

在脊索组织不断迁移时,纤维环亦增大。When notochord organization is ceaseless and migratory, fiber annulus also increases.

夜深,难入寐,辗转反侧,过往的片段,不断闪现。Late at night, hard to sleep, toss and turn restlessly, past fragment, ceaseless flash.

寻找方向就是我唯一的方向,不停的脚步就是我的归宿。Looking for direction is my one and only direction, ceaseless footstep is my end-result.

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全球性帮助解释了为什么会出现这种模糊国家界限的无休止的跨国合并浪潮。Globality helps to explain the ceaseless wave of big mergers blurring national identities.

而IT公司们也在销售这些永不停息的复制设备上赚到了大钱。IT companies make a lot of money selling equipment that facilitates this ceaseless copying.

这900个昼夜充满了令人恐惧的饥饿、死亡、寒冷和无休止的狂轰滥炸。It is the nine hundred days of horrible starvation, death, chilliness and ceaseless bombard.

而大海则源源不绝地为新西兰送来鲜美的扇贝、笛鲷、鲔鱼以及其它味道鲜美的鱼类。And the sea send to New Zealand ceaseless scallop, porgy , sturgeon and other delicious fish.

冰雪消融的季节沉睡的梦境也开始脱落,我常在美丽的…I often fall into self-love and ceaseless wait in those beautiful dreams without your awarness.

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尼斯洛斯指了指铁杉树下,顺手把他的风帽收紧以抵挡下个不停的雨。Neasloss claims a spot under a hemlock tree and pulls his hood tight against the ceaseless rain.

当你在明亮的阳光下驶入海湾,空气因风暴的反复冲刷而清澈透明。You sail into a bay in bright sunshine and air scrubbed clean by the ceaseless circumpolar wind.

在工艺上不断创新的亚草席,成为今夏床上用品的主打。Of ceaseless on craft innovation inferior straw mat, become today summer of bedding advocate dozen.