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这个地区总体上是半干旱至干旱气候。The region is semiarid to arid in overall climate.

华北地区位于干旱和半干旱地区。North China is situated in arid and semiarid regions.

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萨利纳斯兰德斯湖地区则是向半干旱地区过渡的一个标志。The Salinas Grandes mark an intermediate, semiarid region.

萜类在某些干旱或半干旱气候条件下较为普遍。Terpenoids are more prevalent in some arid or semiarid climates.

沙漠化使干旱或半干旱地区维持生命的能力逐渐枯竭。Desertification drains an arid or semiarid land of its life-supporting capabilities.

共和盆地地处半干旱地区,地带性植被为荒漠草原和草原类型。The zonal vegetations of the semiarid Gonghe Basin are desert steppe and steppe type.

北方干旱、半干旱地区地下水超采严重,水资源供需矛盾突出。Groundwater overexploitation is very serious in arid or semiarid areas of North China.

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我国北方干旱、半干旱区,有许多平原地区属浅层地下水纯井灌区。There arc many plains in north arid or semiarid regions of our country are well irrigation fields.

漏斗式集流造林技术是黄土丘陵半干旱区旱作林业的一个创新。The funnel shaped catchment afforestation is a new forestry technique in semiarid loess hilly area.

一片半干燥的大草原,如在东南欧洲、西伯利亚或中北美洲的。A vast semiarid grass-covered plain, as found in southeast Europe, Siberia, and central North America.

干旱和极度干旱的土地是沙漠,半干旱草原和通常被称为草原。Arid and extremely arid land are deserts, and semiarid grasslands generally are referred to as steppes.

研究区农田生态系统存在氮肥淋溶损失风险。Besides, fertilizer derived nitrogen leaching was at risk in this semiarid rainfed agriculture ecosystem.

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论述了国内外半干旱区雨水集流研究的发展和存在问题。This paper deals with the development and trend of the rainwater harvesting research in the semiarid regions.

因此,旱地春小麦秋覆膜穴播栽培技术在半干旱地区有较高的推广价值。So that hole seeding of dryland spring wheat with autumn mulching has a high extension value in semiarid areas.

结果表明,秋熟作物比夏熟作物更适应当地的半干旱气候条件。The results indicate that the local semiarid climatic adaptability of autumn crops is superior to summer crops.

风沙土是形成于干旱区、半干旱区的一种特殊性质的土。Aeolian sandy soil is a kind of specific soil formed in arid or semiarid area. It has specific engineering property.

深栽造林是解决半干旱沙地造林成活率和保存率最有效的方法之一,深栽造林钻孔机是用于深栽造林最为有效的设备。Tree deep planting is one of the best methods in semiarid sand area with high-planted trees survival and keeping rate.

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风蚀是全球性的自然灾害之一,此现象广泛分布于干旱半干旱地区。Wind erosion is one of nature disaster around globe . This phenomenon is widely distributed in arid and semiarid area.

在黄土高原半干旱地区,对旱地春小麦进行短期地膜覆盖试验。The field trial of plastic film mulching on dryland spring wheat was conducted in the semiarid region of Loess Plateau.

通过田间根袋实验研究了氮肥对旱地莜麦根系生长的影响。The effect of nitrogenous fertilizer on root system of naked oat in semiarid region was studied with root bags in field.