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我参加一个读书会。I join a book club.

我参加了一个读书会。I join a book club.

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在俱乐部内部的不算。And not in fight club.

我问,那么搏击俱乐部呢。I ask about fight club.

他筹建了一个网球俱乐部。He set up a tennis club.

我参加了戏剧社。I joined the Drama Club.

什麽是社务行政会议?What is a club assembly?

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一个同花顺让我赢了这副牌。I won with my club flush.

他在我身边挥舞着木棍。He swung a club around me.

我加入了游泳俱乐部。I am in the swimming club.

这是个声名狼藉的晚间俱乐部。It is a louche night club.

加入读书团体或俱乐部。Join a book group or club.

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某人到一家脱衣舞俱乐部消遣。A man went to a strip club.

咱们离开这个夜总会吧。Let's split the night club.

他已成为我们俱乐部的一员。He has served upon our club.

你觉得文学社怎么样?How about the Literary Club?

所有钱都归俱乐部的。It's all money for the club.

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凯西加入了西洋棋俱乐部。Kathy joined the chess club.

我们的俱乐部欢迎新成员。Our club welcomes newcomers.

我经常去参加戏剧社。I often go to the drama club.