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HY是哪一家投资公司?Which one investment company is HY?

介绍了HY系列粗纱机的结构特征和性能特点。Structure and property of HY series roving machine is introduced.

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在这个时候,兴奋和疲劳同时产生,艺术可能是催眠的。At this time, excitement and fatigue run side-by-side, and art becomes hy otic.

用免疫组化方法检测下丘脑室旁核催产素神经元数量变化。We detected the amount of oxytocinergic neuron in paraventricular nucleus of hy.

对氯苯酚和甲醛溶液在HY型沸石催化下缩合生成双氯酚。Dichlorophen was synthesized from formalin and p-chlorophenol in the presence of HY zeolite.

采用直接访问视频存储器技术,动画显示速度快、无闪烁、效果显著。The animated cartoons will be displayed directly hy the video memory swiftly and without scintillation.

HY系列高级彩色油墨溶剂油可替代进口的同类产品用于制造各种高档油墨。HY series quality colour ink solvent oil can substitute the imported products to produce all high-class ink oil.

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演说和辩论所涉及的话题不仅符合大家的兴趣,而且也引起了与会者们健康而理性的讨论。Its topical debates air issues of interest and concern to our members and generate heax hy and sensitive discussion.

利用XRD技术研究了沉积金属盐结合水热处理引起的HY型沸石晶胞收缩。The effect of metal salt deposition together with hydrothermal treatment of HY zeolite on unit cell shrinkage was studied.

它的特点是模仿中医一般辨证思维规律,概念简明,既容易为中医工作者所接受,又便于在计算机上实现。Its main feature is the way it can simulate the general rules of thinking followed hy physicians in traditional Chinese medicine.

考察了用酸性、两性和碱性氧化物改性HY分子筛对烷基化反应性能的影响。Influence of modification with acidic, amphiprotic and basic oxides on alkylation properties of HY molecular sieve was investigated.

其中,既有“以夏变夷”的努力,也有“以夷变夏”的尝试,生动体现了中华民族陆海疆域和文化融通的进程,是不应该被忽视的。The efforts of acculturation either hy Yi or by Xia represented the cultural process of the land and sea interaction of the Chinese nation.

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化映商事20多年以来始终保持着其国内燃气市场的顶级位置,随着其不断的努力,今后将争取成为亚洲的先锋。HY has been keeping top in nature gas industry over past 20 years. With its further effort, it will fight to be vanguard in Asia before long.

以茎尖培养获得的红梗芋试管苗和试管球茎为材料,在国内首次研究芋试管苗和试管球茎连续两年大田种植的生长、产量和品质情况。Study on growth, yield and quality of plantlets and mocrocorm in vitro of Colocasia esculenta L. Shott cv. HY planted in continuous two years.

制革厂的猪油下脚料处理后,通过二步酯化制备丙烯酸猪油醇酸树脂。An acrylic lard oil alkyd resin has been synthesized hy using the treated lard oil residue from tannery and a process of two-stage esterification.

以对羟基苯甲酸和正丁醇为原料,在HY固体酸催化剂作用下,酯化合成尼泊金丁酯。The synthesis of nipagin ester with solid acid catalyst of HY type has been carried out by esterification of n -butyl alcohol and p -hydroxybenzoic acid.

经SP受体的介导,不仅可通过扩张外周阻力血管而降低动脉血压,而且能抑制心肌收缩性能。Theresults showed that hy receptor of SP, the Possible cause of hypotension may be a reduction ofperipheral resistance, or the inhibition of the cardiac contractility.

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今天上午,林心如本人就此事接受新浪娱乐采访,称我已不再是华谊签约艺人,之后会以工作室的形式与华谊合作。This morning, Lin Xinru accepted Sina's interview on this matter, said I am no longer a contracted HY artiste . Afterwards will cooperate with HY through my work studio.

结果表明,HY分子筛以具有更适合双分子氢转移反应的特点而具有最高的氢转移性能和最好的降烯烃效果。HY zeolite was the best in its hydrogen transfer activity as compared with HZSM 5 and H β due to its better suitability for bimolecular reactions than the other two zeolites.

以丙烯酰胺为单体,加入有机硅交联剂、引发剂过硫酸钠、反应速度调节剂,制得聚合物堵水剂HY。The polymer water shutoff agent HY was prepared using acrylamide as monomer, adding organosilicon crosslinking agent, sodium persulfate initiator, and reaction rate regulator.