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刘慌忙又和警方取得联系。Liu flurried again and contact the police.

众人从睡梦中惊醒,慌忙赶出门外。All awakened from sleep, flurried cast out the door.

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顿时失去了灵感,慌张而不知所措。Suddenly, loses inspiration, makes me flurried and be at loss.

我怕到时候后面还没有复习的东西会比较慌张。I'm afraid the thing not reviewed yet then will be more flurried.

观众中的吵闹声使这位演员惊慌失措,把台词给忘了。Noise in the audience flurried the actor so that he forgot his lines.

在什么情况下你会走得很匆忙,但是不慌乱?What circumstance under you will walk very hurriedly, but not flurried?

多模妈妈趁亚修拉出门,慌忙去了芙蓉阁。While the multi-mode mother pulled out, flurried to repair the lotus cabinet.

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锦莲脸皮薄,哪里经得起这样的阵仗,几乎是仓皇而逃。The brocade lotus is sheepish, where withstand such of the war is nearly flurried but escape.

在茅屋外面的霸王树丛中,一群小鸟一面嘁嘁喳喳地叫着,一面拍打着翅膀。Outside the brush house in the tuna clump, a covey of little birds chattered and flurried with their wings.

保安团突袭林家庄的卫生队,慌乱之下,白冬菊背着受伤的李彪紧急撤离。BaoAnTuan raid WeiShengDui, flurried of zhuang Lin, under the BaiDongJu carrying injured LiBiao emergency evacuation.

到处依然是一片火爆的阳光。大海憋得急速地喘气,把它细小的浪头吹到沙滩上。There was the same red glare as far as eye could reach, and small waves were lapping the hot sand in little, flurried gasps.

仁顺回绝了尚宇的爱意,但听到尚宇受伤的音讯,慌忙跑去医院,但犹疑着没有进病房。RenShun rebuffed ShangYu love, but hear words of ShangYu injured, flurried ran to the hospital, but hesitates without into ward.

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开局遇挫的泰国队明显有些发蒙,队员们在场上显得有些慌乱。The opening meets the Thai team which frustrates somewhat to get muddled obviously, the members appear somewhat flurried on the field.

记者们围堵在善英住院的医院门口,争相要采访仁顺,仁顺慌忙从另外一个门分开。Reporters surrounded in good English hospital hospital doorway, scramble to interview RenShun, RenShun flurried from another door apart.

深夜,肥仔妈被玉芬的呼喊声惊醒,慌忙出门一探求竟,却看见马啸与玉芬扭打在一同。Late at night, fat boy mama was awakened by YuFen some cry, flurried out a search unexpectedly, but see MaXiao and YuFen scuffle together.

宾客慌忙逃散,抬花轿的轿夫也半路放下花轿逃走了,金水只好背着淑萍一路跑回了家。Guests flurried flee, carry the bearers of sedan also fled halfway down sedan, the goldwater had to carry a shu ping ran all the way back home.

玉儿在客栈上厕所撞见王莹,慌乱返回时误入戴遂昌的房间,戴遂昌认出玉儿,吓得她逃走。The toilet in the inn on jade caught Wang Ying, flurried return strayed into the Dai Suichang room, Dai Suichang recognized jade, scared her away.

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兰贵成来到文红旗宿舍,胡晓欢慌忙借机出去打饭,兰贵成给她送来的一些资料,这让文红旗有些意外。LanGuiCheng red flag to the dormitory, Hu Xiaohuan flurried to out dozen rice, LanGuiCheng brought her some of the data, the red flag some accident.

张黑头从洞口出去后发现屋里没人,见浅野正二进来后他慌忙躲藏起来,张黑头等他出去后从窗户看到外面都是日军。After finding no one in the room, see Asano Shoji came after he flurried hide, a black and he went out from the window to see the outside is japanese.

不能喝奶怎么办,只要一喝奶就拉肚子,看着无法表达的兔子鸡,我很慌忙啊。The incapability drinks milk how do, only on drinking milk to have loose bowels, looking at the rabbit chicken that can not voice, I am very flurried.