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我们可以吃鸳鸯火锅。We can eat a Chinese Fondue.

为荷兰草莓准备好巧克力干酪Prepare strawberries with fondue chocolate.

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她说她的孤挺花死了,问我要不要火锅罐?。Her amaryllis died. Did I want the fondue pot?

但是巧克力火锅是迄今为止最著名的一种。But chocolate fondue is by far the most famous.

他们在一家小餐馆歇脚,吃了顿干酪火锅。They stopped at a little cafe and had a fondue.

两百万点就可以免费换得一套银制火锅组!Only two million points for a free silver fondue set!

最大众也最为传统的巧克力火锅涮品要数草莓。The most common and traditional chocolate fondue dipper is strawberries.

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传说奶酪火锅是由两位住在阿尔卑斯山的牧羊人发明的。Legend has it that the cheese fondue was created by two shepherds in the Alps.

我认为人们不可能把亚马逊与巧克力干酪机联系在一起。I don't think people think of Amazon and chocolate fondue sets in one, in the same sentence.

这种火锅以各种蔬菜、沙拉为配菜,但其重头部分却是六种有名的精选沙司。Fondue is served with vegetables and salad but the main point is a selection of six famous sauces.

一起看一部都没看过的电影,听一场音乐会,或者吃一次节奏缓慢点儿的晚餐,奶酪火锅就是个不错的选择。Watch a movie neither of you have seen before, go to a concert, or enjoy a slow dinner like a fondue.

在我正舔着最后几滴时,母亲打来了电话。她说她的孤挺花死了,问我要不要火锅罐?As I was lapping up the last few drops, my mother called. Her amaryllis died. Did I want the fondue pot?

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这就意味着,Fox说,健康的人吃奶酪火锅的时候可以随心所欲地喝他们喜欢的饮料,而且感觉不错。That suggests, Fox said, that healthy people can probably drink whatever they want with fondue and feel just fine.

只要有一个晚上你吃过一次瑞士火锅奶酪,在剩下的几天假期里,你会无法再忍受那奶酪的气味,哈哈!After one evening of eating swiss cheese fondue you cannot stand the smell of cheese for the rest of your holiday, lol.

Fox说,最震撼的发现之一就是无论你喝了什么,你的胃消化那餐奶酪火锅的速度都是难以置信的慢。One of the most striking findings, Fox said, was how incredibly slowly the stomach empties a cheese fondue meal, no matter what you drink.

如果您想亲自体验一番,您可以去北京福楼餐厅。三月的每个周末,他们都在提供享用这一火锅的机会。If you want to have a try, you can come to Brasserie Flo Beijing. They are offering the opportunity to enjoy this Fondue every weekend in March.

低劣牛仔裤,圣诞装饰品,老旧的包装纸,奶酪火锅炉,还有那些你认为“如果你有时间”就能修复的陈旧的锁线装订机。Skinny jeans, Christmas decorations, old wrapping paper, the fondue pot, that old sewing machine you think you can fix “when you have the time”.

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高8.6米、重达70吨的鱼尾狮塑像是已故新加坡著名工匠林浪新先生用混凝土制作的。Measuring 8.6 metres high and weighing 70 tonnes, the Merlion statue was built from cement fondue by the late Singapore craftsman, Mr Lim Nang Seng.

如果你不知道爆炒和灼烧或是芝士火锅和油炸之间的区别,还是不要开始学习一些常见的烹饪术语了。If you don't know the difference between sauteing and searing or fondue and frying then now would be a good time to learn a few common cooking terms.

如果你不知道爆炒和灼烧或是芝士火锅和油炸之间的区别,还是不要开始学习一些常见的烹饪术语了。If you don’t know the difference between sauteing and searing or fondue and frying then now would be a good time to learn a few common cooking terms.