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次日,月氏入侵突厥。The next day, Yuezhi invasion of turkic.

他们是俄罗斯人口最多的突厥语民族。They are Russia's most populous Turkic peoples.

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顾小五亲自上阵杀敌,突厥全军履灭。Gu five personally to kill, destroy Turkic army.

维吾尔人所说的突厥语。Of or relating to Turkic or the peoples who speak Turkic.

突厥、回鹘语言属阿尔泰语系突厥语族。Turk, the Uighur language of the Altai language Turkic languages.

而人出自何年代,众说纷纭,估计是古代突厥所为。And people from Ho's, opinion, is estimated by the ancient Turkic.

古代突厥文是历史上操突厥语诸民族最早使用的一种文字。Old Turkic script is the earliest writing used by the Turkic peoples.

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该地区是维吾尔人聚居区。The area is predominantly populated by Turkic -speaking Muslim Uighurs.

他们起源于一个说着东突厥语的帝国的失败入侵。They're descended from a failed invasion from the eastern Turkic empire.

使用乌孜别克语,属阿尔泰语系突厥语族西匈奴语支。The use of Uzbek language belongs to Altaic Turkic language branch, West Huns.

亚美尼亚语和土耳其语在少数亚美尼亚人和土耳其人中使用。Armenian and Turkic are spoken among the small Armenian and Turkoman populations.

在公元后7-10世纪,可萨汗人即一个土耳其种族统治了西南亚。The Khazars were a Turkic people who dominated southwest Asia from the 7th to 10th century A.

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他大声疾呼是因为土耳其是维吾尔穆斯林的宗教盟友。He was speaking out, he said because the Turks are the ethnic brothers of the Turkic Muslim Uigur.

该货币的名称同俄语里指钱的词语有关,但借用自土耳其语。The name of the currency is related with the Russian word for money which was borrowed from Turkic.

他开创了中国对回鹘文和突厥文的研究工作,在国内外受到重视和好评。He opened up China's Turkic Uighur and research work, at home and abroad by the attention and praise.

新疆本土突厥族维吾尔人中的激进分子几十年以来都在反对中国的统治。Radicals among Xinjiang's indigenous Turkic Uighur people have been fighting Chinese rule for decades.

这个国家最主要的民族是吉尔吉斯族,这个民族是受蒙古和中国影响的土耳其语系群体。The nation"s largest ethnic group is the Kyrgyz, a Turkic group with Mongolian and Chinese influences.

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香河肉饼已有二百多年的历史,其前身可追溯到一千多年前的突厥饼。Xianghe patty has 200 years of history, its predecessor can be traced back over 1000 years ago, Turkic cake.

维吾尔人是讲话属于突厥语系的维吾尔语的穆斯林,与中国的主流相比,他们在文化上更接近中亚地区。Uighurs are a Turkic -speaking Muslim people with a culture closer to Central Asia's than mainstream China's.

使用阿塞拜疆语,分为多种方言,属阿尔泰语系突厥语族,有阿拉伯字母文字。The use of Azerbaijani, divided into various dialects, the Altay language Turkic languages, Arabic alphabet text.