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在家的时候,我走在人行道上。At home, I walk on the sidewalk.

跑到车道,上了人行道。Down the driveway, to the sidewalk.

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人行道上烫得都可以煎鸡蛋了。You could fry eggs on the sidewalk.

他把小孩从人行便道上推搡下去了。He crowded the child off the sidewalk.

他们用砖填补了人行道上的坑。They bricked in a hole in the sidewalk.

一个小孩正沿着人行道蹒跚行走。A child was toddling along the sidewalk.

你们一起走过去。And you walk down the sidewalk together.

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有一个地方是步道结束之处There is a place where the sidewalk ends

这一人行道是用石板铺成的。This sidewalk is made of slabs of stone.

用粉笔在人行道上涂鸦.Draw on the sidewalk with sidewalk chalk.

他们在积水溜滑的人行道上撒了灰。其实笔记。They sprinkled ashes on the icy sidewalk.

雨在人行道上汇成宁静的水洼The rain makes still pools on the sidewalk

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暖和?你都可以在人行道上煎鸡蛋了。Warm?You could fry an egg on the sidewalk.

我们在燥热的便道上又走了几步。We move a few steps down the hot sidewalk.

Cyndie蹲在他旁边的人行道上。Cyndie crouches beside him on the sidewalk.

他对着人行道上的一摊“水”直皱眉头。Rebete, frowning at a puddle on a sidewalk.

现在,他们站在人行道上嘲笑着。They stood about the sidewalk now and jeered.

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记住在人行道上骑单脚滑行车。Remember to ride your scooter on the sidewalk.

盲人用手杖敲击人行道。The blind man tapped his cane on the sidewalk.

我听到她的鞋后跟在人行道上霹哩啪啦响的声音。I heard the clack of her heels on the sidewalk.