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我认为你对他的能力估计过高了。I believe you overrate his abilities.

你太过高估了自己的说服力。You vastly overrate your powers of persuasion.

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我们不能高估或低估自己的能力。We should not overrate or underrate our ability.

社会分析家往往过高估计发生变化的速度。Social analysts often overrate the rate of change.

对那些最鄙视的人,足球记者总是先开始夸张。Those whom sports writers most despise, they first overrate.

我想,他们根本高估了我的精力。You know I just think they did overrate the energy that I had.

同时,也高估了对自己孩子的那些有用没用的教育。And they overrate what did and did not work with their own kids.

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切不可过分估计敌人的战斗力。You should on no account overrate the enemy's combat effectiveness.

对自己要有自信,但是在下次的竞赛中不要过度的高估自己。Be confident, but don't overrate yourself in next week's competition.

但是他们官方的头衔或多或少地估计了他们的权力。But their official titles both overrate and underrate their authority.

我们不应该高估,美国将受益于升值人民币。We should not overrate that US will benefit more from appreciating yuan.

因此我们不必过高地估计生物变化作为时间标准的精确度。We must not overrate the accuracy of organic change as a measure of time.

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所以,你要有纪律,不能高估自己的判断。That's why you need to have the discipline not to overrate your own judgment.

高估自己技术的倾向被称作虚幻的优越感。The tendency for people to overrate their skills is called illusory superiority.

一些老师有喜欢对那些听话,谨慎的孩子的倾向。Some teachers have a tendency to overrate the abilities of obedient, conscientious children.

一个总统的幕僚对于他确实知道的事情,总难免要过分强调其重要性。A presidential associate inevitably tends to overrate the significance of the things he does know about.

不要把你得到的东西估价过高,也不要嫉妒别人、嫉妒别人的人,不会有宁静的心情。——佛陀。Do not overrate what you have received, nor ever envy others. He who envies others does not obtain peace of mind. ——Buddha.

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而使用股票制则是因为管理人员认为股票被高估或暗示收购者可能缺乏足够的内部资金来源。However the reason of using bonds is that managers think bonds value is overrate or it suggests that purchasers are short of bond.

信步漫漫成迹不思自量,微嗅浅秋青草依旧,旧红未零抿然一抹纷芳,幽香。As long as trace is not overrate their own strength, micro olfactory love grass still, old red did not spare her ran a divergent Fang, fragrance.