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那时,我还不明白她所犯的“滔天罪恶”。I didn't understand the enormity of what she had done.

张伯伦意识到了癌症的残忍。Chamberlain realizes the enormity of a cancer diagnosis.

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南非有足够的资源来举办具有如此重大赛事吗?Does Africa have the resources to stage an event of such enormity?

你这样做,是因为你明白任务的艰巨性是摆在面前。You did it because understand the enormity of the task that lies ahead.

你这样做,是因为你真切任务的艰巨性是摆在面前。You did it because you understand the enormity of the task that lies on.

这些问题的部分影响,在于其艰巨性。The implications of some of these questions are stunning in their enormity.

你们这样做是因为你们明白摆在面前的任务有多艰巨。You did it because you understand the enormity of the task that lies ahead.

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然而,无比巨大的灾难还是超越了过去历史的哀伤。Still, the sheer enormity of the disaster is transcending the grievances of the past.

和风使高大华美的栗树丛此起彼伏,气势雄伟。The breeze hollowed out undulations in the magnificent enormity of the chestnut-trees.

思前想后,你吥怕精神崩溃?那样地日子怎么过?Aren't you ever just scared of breaking apart at the thought of it? The enormity of it.

他同邦迪谈了一会,他提出的问题反映出他有很大的怀疑。He talked for some time with Bundy, his questions reflected the enormity of his doubts.

在讲话即将结束时我想要说,对于今后的任务,我丝毫没有低估其艰巨性。Let me close by saying I do not underestimate the enormity of the task that lies ahead.

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当地文化另一个重要方面的是人们往往忽视了它的规模。Another key aspect of the local culture which is often overlooked is its sheer enormity.

他同邦迪谈了一会,他提出的问题表明他有很大的怀疑。He talked for some time with Bundy, and his questions reflected the enormity of his doubts.

他同邦迪谈了一会,他提出的问题纺暌钩出他有很大的思疑。He talked for some time with Bundy, and his questions reflected the enormity of his doubts.

他同邦迪谈了一会,他提出的问题反映出他有很大的怀疑。He talked for some time with Bundy, and his questions reflected the enormity of his doubts.

尽管美国经济如此庞大,但两国已经建成一个互相依赖的体系。Despite the enormity of the U.S. economy, the two nations have built a system of co-dependency.

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隧道的末端是一个圆形建筑,它巨大的外形和朦胧的光亮让杰克觉得迷乱。It terminated in a rotunda, whose enormity and crepuscular illumination Jack found disorienting.

“迪尔伯特”愈加成功,我愈须感谢杰克。他用简单的鼓励铸就了我极大地成功。As "Dilbert" became more successful, I came to appreciate the enormity of Jack's simple act of kindness.

的冲击注意使杰弗逊开始明白任务的艰巨性,给予了他。The onslaught of attention makes Jefferson begin to understand the enormity of the task that Grant has given him.