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为什么MJ在中国这么受欢迎?Why is MJ so popular in China?

如果再往下看1s层,是一摩尔20兆焦耳。If you go down to 1s, it's 20 MJ per mole.

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楼上呢…是你吸引我来呢哈。You are not alone MJ For I am here with You!

还比较喜欢周星弛,没想到他也是MJ的偶像。永远爱MJ!MJ You 'll live in my heart forever, I love you.

道格拉斯从小就很喜欢模仿迈克杰克逊。Douglas Å loves to do MJ since he was a little boy.

向流行之王MJ致以我的爱和祈祷。"Love and prayers to MJ 'King of Pop,"' she tweeted.

还记得杰克逊前年来的时候的踩踏事件了?Still remember the stampede when MJ came the year before?

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MJ可显著提高苹果果皮中LOX活性。MJ significantly increased LOX activity in apple pericarp.

孟风姨丈和MJ阿姨送给小贝贝的玩具狗。Uncle Meng Feng and Aunty MJ gave little Audrey a toy puppy.

但中国在上世纪80年代改革开放的时候,MJ正在他名气的巅峰。When China opened up in the 1980s, MJ was at his peak of fame.

迄今为止,科比已有五枚总冠军,而乔丹有六个。By my count, Kobe currently has five championships, while MJ has six.

睽违多年,美兆集团再推出电视形象广告!MJ Group has made its image TV commercial once again after several years.

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发送一个紧急的邮件,欧特迦蓝迪菲利普斯说乔丹是在一个糟糕的状态。Ortega sends an urgent email to Randy Phillips saying MJ is in a bad state.

但有线新闻,特别是早间秀还在关注他。Yet cable news and the network morning shows especially are still ODing on MJ.

是的,它们是不同的但它们大致上,都是一摩尔一兆焦耳。Yeah, they're different but they are roughly on the order of about 1 MJ per mole.

这时候迈克尔·乔丹挺身而出,他先用一记上篮使分差缩小到一分,然后又从背后抢断了卡尔马龙的球,沉着运球至前场。Then Michael Jordan delivered. First, MJ hit a driving layup to cut the lead to one.

在我看来,MJ是流行音乐界无可争辩的王者,是的,除了他没别人。In my opinion, MJ is the undisputed king of pops, thats right, its either him or nobody.

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我是在整个价电子的集合上作平均,最后得到1。91兆焦每摩尔。I'm averaging it over the entire set of valence electrons which gives me 1.91 MJ per mole.

我是在整个价电子的集合上作平均,最后得到1。91兆焦每摩尔。I'm averaging it over the entire set of valence electrons which gives me 1.91 MJ per mole.

希望天堂的你可以找到自己的快乐岛。亲爱的词语们,你们对MJ是怀有怎么样的心情呢?MJ, we wish you find your paradise in the heaven. My dear friends, what do you think of MJ?