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梵蒂冈天主教会举行了一场有关太空生物学的会议。The Catholic church has had a conference about astrobiology.

如需美国宇航局天体生物学活动的信息,请访问For more information about NASA astrobiology activities, visit

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九十年代后期,他帮助美国宇航局成立了天体生物研究所。In the late nineties, he helped launch the Astrobiology Institute at NASA.

戴维斯的研究侧重于宇宙论、量子场理论和太空生物学。Davies' research focuses on cosmology, quantum field theory and astrobiology.

类似的报道,请访问评论、分析、天体生物学的主题指南For similar stories, visit the Comment and Analysis and Astrobiology Topic Guides

这种口袋和背包大小的卫星正在改变太空生物学的研究方法。These pocket- and backpack-sized satellites are changing the way astrobiology research is done.

费利萨沃尔夫-西蒙,美国宇航局天体生物学研究员,美国地质调查局,门洛帕克,加利福尼亚州Felisa Wolfe-Simon, NASA astrobiology research fellow, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, Calif.

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英国威尔斯卡地夫天文生物学中心的副研究员。Barry E. DiGregorio is a research associate for the Cardiff Center for Astrobiology in Wales, U. K.

天体生物学是研究宇宙生命起源,演化,分布和未来的学科。Astrobiology is the study of the origin, evolution, distribution and future of life in the universe.

这项研究已刊登在这个月的天体生物学杂志并且正准备在伊卡洛斯杂志出版。The research appears in this month's Astrobiology magazine and is pending publication in the journal Icarus.

而且,如果进行一场关于太空生物学以及它对于宗教之含义的得体谈话,实在是太奇妙了。And it'd be really amazing to have a proper conversation about astrobiology and its implications for religion.

太空生物计划支持有关生物起源,进化,生物的分布和未来生命等的研究。NASA's Astrobiology Program supports research into the origin, evolution, distribution, and future of life on Earth.

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一项由美国宇航局资助的研究项目将改变科学家对地球上所有已知生命构成的基本认识。NASA-funded astrobiology research has changed the fundamental knowledge about what comprises all known life on Earth.

四月份在德克萨斯的一次太空生物学会议上,寻找外星生命的新方法同样会被探讨。There is also an astrobiology conference in Texas in April at which new methods of detecting aliens will be discussed.

他的科学专长在于比较行星地质学,特别是有关板块运动、陨石碰撞和天文生物学。His main scientific interest is Comparative Planetary Geology, and in particular Tectonics, Impact Cratering and Astrobiology.

它的研究也促进了航天学、宇宙化学、天文生物学乃至哲学等其他学科的发展。It has promoted the development of many other scientific fields, such as astronautics, cosmochemistry , astrobiology and even philosophy.

对于NASA,低廉的微微卫星是个理想的包括基础生物学和天体生物学研究的科学与技术的平台。For NASA, low-cost nanosatellites are an ideal platform for science and technology, including fundamental biology and astrobiology research.

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在太空中,”目力所及的每一处,我们都发现了我们认为曾在地球上导致了生命诞生的过程。“航空航天局资深太空生物学家约翰拉美尔说。In space, "everywhere we look, we see the same processes that we think led to the origin of life on Earth, " says John Rummel, NASA's senior scientist for astrobiology.

美国国家航空宇航局通过其外空生物学和进化生物学计划为这次研究提供资金,还有其属下的太空生物学机构。NASA's Astrobiology Program in Washington contributed funding for the research through its Exobiology and Evolutionary Biology program and the NASA Astrobiology Institute.

我从来没有听过”太空生物学“这个词,但多亏了这种说法,我们谈论外星人的时候就不再像是怪人或者跟现实有非同寻常关系的人了。I've never heard the term "astrobiology" before, but it is seemingly a way of talking about aliens without sounding like a geek or someone with an unusual relationship to reality.