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我们向前跑去。We paced onward.

那匹马向前直冲。The horse dashed onward.

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前进,走向宿命的坟冢。Ever onward to the grave.

亚奥理事会的口号是什么?What is the OCA motto?Ever onward.

而爱,最后却让我们无情的相离。But love, finally let us inexorably onward.

我精神紧张,但是仍率领着这支队伍前进。I was nervous, but I led the parade onward.

林染赶紧解释道。Lin Ran hustles onward an explanation access.

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小船轻捷地在水面向前滑行着。The boat glided swiftly onward over the river.

从清晨前开始狂欢者就充满了大街小巷。Merrymaking filled the streets from dawn onward.

请问您有续程或回程机票吗?Do you haudio-videoe the onward or return ticket?

前进,我的新朋友们!为了我们的幸福结局!Onward , my new friends! To our happily ever afters!

他希望能在现在就职之公司里顺利发展,步步高升。He hopes to move onward and upward with his current company.

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这条小路婉蜒伸入神秘的原始森林之中。It straggled onward into the mystery of the primeval forest.

这条小路蜿蜒伸入神秘的原始森林之中。It straggled onward into the mystery of the primeval forest.

他深猫着腰朝前走着,灰白的胡须几乎触到了地面。His grey beard almost touched the ground, as he crept onward.

至于马哈茂德,从那一天起他变得更加勇敢了。As for Mahmood, he became more courageous from that day onward.

然而,对富饶的西海岸的梦想激励著乔德一家继续前进。But the dream of a bountiful West Coast urged the Joads onward.

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治疗后期则包括了治疗后一直到现在。The posttreatment period included the time from treatment onward.

毕业意味着向前迈出的一步,向前、向上发展的。Graduation means taking a step forward---moving onward and upward.

黄河以万马奔腾之势滚滚向前。The Yellow River surges onward like ten thousand horses galloping.