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她疯狂热爱流行物品。She is always crazy at modish things.

如果你想过自在的生活,就不能时时打扮时髦。If you want to live a free life, you can't always be modish.

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电子商务这一现代贸易方式的产生对现代营销正产生越来越重要的影响。The modish trade -EC has more and more influence on corporation's marketing.

她的头发没有完全灰白,梳理得恰合自己的身份,身上的黑色长衫样子非常时兴。Her hair, not yet very gray, was becomingly arranged, and her black gown was modish.

他的住处看上去的确像是个舒适安定的家—丝毫没有引人注目的昂贵的时髦货。His place really looks lived in — noting expensive or modish just to impress people.

大卫·肖不喜欢谈论位于时代广场附近,建筑风格时尚的公司总部内的事情。D. E. Shaw does not like to talk about what goes on inside its modish headquarters near Times Square.

苏菲拿出那顶时髦的黑白相间的帽子,这是唯一或许能稍稍引起那位女士兴趣的帽子了。Sophie got out the modish black-and-white which was the only hat even remotely likely to interest this lady.

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苏菲拿出那顶时髦的黑白相间的帽子,这是唯一或许能稍稍引起那位女士兴趣的帽子了。Sophie got out the modish black-and-white, which was the only hat even remotely likely to interest this lady.

简洁的修身版型,干净利落的前胸印字,加上现今流行的窄门筒设计,给人以斯文的时髦感觉。Brief figuring style, neat and spiffy prints in front, and fashionable narrow design show your modish feelings.

她完成这顶帽子,开始着手下一顶完全由黑色和白色组成的流行款式的帽子,一个崭新的想法突然来到她脑中。She finished that hat and started on a stark black-and-white one, very modish , and a quite new thought came to her.

他袋子里总记得放些钱,而且衣服总要穿得体面些,免得儿子的脸上不光彩。He was always careful to have money in his pocket, and to be modish in his dress, so that his son need not blush for him.

尽管城市的跳跃性发展没有带来基本设施相应速率的改进,但这没有遏止德里追求其它现代理念。But in a kind of urban leapfrogging, its failure to provide basic amenities has not discouraged it from pursuing modish causes.

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就是他那条时髦的黑色牛仔裤算是破了英国外交大臣“穿衣史”上的先例了。Most astounding, perhaps, are William's modish black jeans, of the type last seen on Take That's backing dancers and never, ever before on a Conservative Foreign Secretary.

从1979年“星星美展”到1985年“美术新潮”再到1989年“中国现代艺术展”,这意味着当代艺术在中国这块古老的土地上萌生了。From "stars art exhibit"in 1979 to " fine arts modish "in 1985 and then to 1989 "China's modern art exhibition", this has meant germinating on this old land of China of contemporary art.

对冲基金公司和风险投资公司还各有其独特的盈利方式。那就是,让基金经理人像合伙人一样工作。用时下的流行语说,就是切身利益与公司息息相关。Hedge funds and venture-capital firms also make money in their different ways by getting fund managers to behave more like partners, with "skin in the game", as the modish phrase puts it.

在此过渡期间,他去了伦敦,蓄着披肩长发,穿着当时流行的毛皮外衣,和一群花天酒地的纨绔子弟混在一起,到处闲逛,试图找到一个新的摇滚乐队。During the interim he went to London, grew his hair shoulder-length, wore a modish fur coat, and hung out with a crowd of hard-partying rich kids, trying to discover the next Rolling Stones.