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这个用什么?我怎么知道一个资源的id?。ResID is the resource ID for the bitmap.

该乳化渣油在燃烧过程中,有较好的雾化效率和燃烧效率。Such an emulsified resid provides good atomizing and combustion efficiency.

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运用实验分析数据及工业生产数据讨论了含硫劣质原料对重油催化裂化汽油质量的影响。Effects on inferior resid FCC naphtha quality were discussed by using the test data and the productive data.

煤油共炼可以看作是重质渣油提质和煤液化之间的过渡技术。Coprocessing can be considered as a transitional technology between heavy resid upgrading and coal liquefaction.

重点研究了颜色空间的选取、目标识别中确定阀值的策略及特征点的选取方法。Emphases resid in the problems of choosing an efficient color space, deciding threshold and matching feature points.

结果表明,专门的原料蒸发段对降低裂化过程的焦炭产率、改善裂化产品结构的作用是显著的。Experimental results showed that the effects of dynamic variables on resid catalytic cracking process are noteworthy.

论述了一种将化学处理后的渣油与聚合物水溶液混合制作型砂粘结剂的方法。A new method of producing sand binder of mixing resid treated by chemical method with soluble poly -mer was discussed.

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使用混兑催化剂可提高渣油掺炼比,降低焦炭产率,提高装置处理量,并可提高汽油辛烷值。Increases in throughput, resid blending ratio and gasoline octane as well as drop in coke yield can be obtained after the catalyst mixing.

本文重点评述了馏分油加氢裂化、缓和加氢裂化、渣油加氢裂化、加氢精制和加氢处理技术的新进展。The recent advances in hydrocracking, mild hydrocracking and resid hydrocracking and hydrotreating technologies are reviewed in this paper.

超稳Y分子筛的水热稳定性、抗钒性能和焦炭选择性都优于传统的沸石,适合作为渣油FCC催化剂的活性主体。For FCC resid processing, USY zeolite is perferred because of its superior hydrothermal stability, vanadium resistance and coke selectivity compared to conventional zeolites.

介绍了低变性花生蛋白粉生产的工艺流程,分析了各工序操作条件对产品质量的影响。In addition, the paper tells us that it is significant to enhance the quality and the utilization of peanut protein powder, when low modified protein is quaranteed and resid is reduced.

利用特制的实验设备,在给定反应温度下,对来自同一装置的减压渣油及焦化进料液收进行了精确评价。The coking reaction for vacuum resid ue and coking feedstock from the same set was prepared in a special apparatus under the same temperature, then the relative liquid yield ise valuated.

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随着原油的日益重质化和市场对重质燃料的需求日益减少,近二十年裂化原料中掺渣比例不断提高,重油的催化裂化发展很快。While crude oil is heavy-oriented and market demand of heavy fuel decreases, the ratio of resid blended feedstock increases continuously, and resid catalytic cracking technology also develops rapidly.