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建设轮机间。Turbine room construction.

另一个涡轮曲柄出手。Another shot of the Turbine cranks.

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然后蒸气进入汽轮机。Then the steam passes into the turbine.

机组LCU是监控系统中的基础和核心部分。Turbine LCU is the base of core of SCS.

增压器喘振的原因是什么?What does the turbine super-charger surge?

贝伦斯的AEG涡轮工厂。AEG Turbine factory, Behrens, Berlin, 1909.

这台燃气轮机以它抽入的燃料为能源。The gas turbine feeds on the fuel it pumps.

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一个典型的燃气涡轮喷气发动机图解。Diagram of a typical gas turbine jet engine.

矗立在岛上的港灯风力发电机。A view of the wind turbine off Yung Shue Wan.

港灯位于南丫岛上的风力发电站,风车高度为多少米?How tall is the wind turbine on Lamma Island?

原动机为燃气轮机的热力发电机组。A thermal generating set driven by a gas turbine.

风力透平的寿命至少是25年。A wind turbine has a life span of at least 25 years.

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空化理论不属于水斗式水轮机。Cavitation theory does not belong to Pelton turbine.

通用海事公司将为每艘舰艇提供四种燃气轮机模块。GE will provide four gas turbine modules per vessel.

汽轮发电机定子端部大锥环。Large stator-end cones for 000MW turbine generators.

风力发电机组防雷。Lightning protection for wind turbine systems TS Ed.

将主机透平过滤网处用帆布盖上。Cover the main engine turbine filter net with canvas.

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无论是在移动的还是固定的设备中,汽轮机的工作原理都是相同的。Moving or stationary, a gas turbine works the same way.

蒸汽纯度对透平机的运行有较大影响。The steam purity has an effect on operation of turbine.

气轮机的巡航经济性较差。The steam turbine is less economical at cruising speed.