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但迷恋足球不仅仅是不分距离和地理位置的。But fandom does more than defeat distance and geography.

盖特纳之后对其讲话作出澄清,强调他仍支持美元的储备货币地位。Mr. Geithner later clarified his remarks, emphasizing his continued fandom of the greenback.

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因为他们有道德公正性,他们有勇气,他们也有梦想,而且他们有相信他们和支持他们的粉丝。Because they have moral legitimacy, courage and dreams, as well as a fandom that believes and supports them.

从你写的文里面挑出自己最喜欢的五篇,不局限于配对或理由。Post a list of your top five favorite fics you've written, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them.

本章会讨论日本流行文化和动漫粉丝对中国人的性概念和酷儿概念的影响。It will discuss the influence of Japanese pop culture and animation fandom on Chinese concept of sexuality and queerness.

在美国的水族馆漫步完后,到哈利波特影迷历史中畅游一番。Take a journey through the history of the Harry Potter fandom after taking a stroll through the Aquarium of the Americas.

可惜我只会说英文和日文,所以如果你会说其它语言或有参与任何其它国家的粉丝组织,麻烦请你们帮忙传扬!I only speak English and Japanese, so if you speak any other language or are involved in any other country's fandom community, please spread the word!

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我们可能不太理解怪物猎人系列对日本人能有如此巨大的魅力,不过我们还是要羡慕一下他们所能获得的待遇。We may not understand the Japanese fascination with the Monster Hunter franchise, but we certainly are jealous of the perks they receive for their fandom.

由于国际粉丝对韩国流行音乐行业的结构和机制不熟悉的缘故,这导致了国际粉丝的反应到达了恐慌的程度。The reaction in DBSK's international fandom reached levels of panic due to international fans' unfamiliarity with the structural mechanisms of the Kpop industry.

据英国广播公司最近发布的一篇文章,柯南•道尔所著的夏洛克•福尔摩斯系列小说也与这种现代粉丝圈现象有着很大联系。And according to a recent article published by the BBC, the original Sherlock Holmes novels, written by author Arthur Conan Doyle, were responsible for the modern phenomenon of fandom.

她拥有一个超过3万人的官方后援会,有时她也会迎合后援会的要求,邀请所有的粉丝在一个特殊的时间和场合见面,创造了影迷的快闪运动。She also caters to the needs of her official fan club, which has more than 30,000 members, occasionally inviting them all to meet her at a specific time and place, creating flash mobs of fandom.