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但从地质年代上来说,它还是一个婴儿。That's a baby in geological terms.

史密森学会及美国地质调查局。Smithsonian and U.S. Geological Survey.

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还真是国家地质公园了!This is indeed a national geological park!

该方法在某地质勘查项目定点实验中取得成功。We got success at a tr ial of some geological item.

他们开始变得普通。Then, in a geological eyeblink , they become common.

地质遗迹是不可再生的珍贵遗产!Geological relics are precious unrenewable heritages!

十八罗汉,是秀山地质奇观之一。Eighteen Arhats, is one of Xiushan geological wonders.

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其估计值基于地质调查分析。Its estimate is based on analysis of geological surveys.

最严重的威胁是地质灾害。The most serious threat is that of geological disasters.

地质作用力每年会将它推高几毫米。Geological forces push it up a few millimeters each year.

杭州站的地质情况非常特殊。The geological state of Hangzhou Station is very special.

是典型的冰川期地质遗迹。They are typical geological remains from the Glacial Age.

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菊花石是地质中的一种天然“花卉”。Chrysanthemum stone is a natural in the geological "Flora".

硬鳞鱼在更早的地质时期数量巨大。Ganoid fishes swarmed during the earlier geological periods.

地质层次的划分应遵循原则。To divide geological hierarchy should follow some principles.

数据库以地矿行业数据标准为基础。The database ruled with the standard of geological and mining.

这项新的研究为这片遗址确定了一个新的地质年代。The new research pins down a new geological date for the site.

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这些羽状甲烷可能来自于各种不同的地质活动。Such plumes could come from various kinds of geological events.

该剖面穿过不同的地质构造单元。The profile crosses through different geological tectonic units.

地质遗迹作为旅游资源,其吸引力有一定的局限性。The appeal of geological traces is limited as a tourism resource.