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思考与探求新世纪的居住模式也已迫在眉睫。Searching for new mode of inhabitation is urgent in the new age.

城市和农村是两种主要的人类居住群落。Cities and countryside are the main inhabitation communities for human being.

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从居住的主角——人的变化来分析居住理念变化的表现。So we can observe the change about the people and analyse the inhabitation theories.

由于其制冷方式属于加湿降温,处理后的空气湿度大,并不太适合人居环境要求。Because of its humidifying cooling system, it is not be suitable for the human inhabitation environment.

随着我国老龄化趋势的加快,解决老人的居住问题迫在眉睫。With the increase of aging population, how to solve the question of senior's inhabitation is very exigent.

主题居住社区迎合了房地产市场发展的趋势,代表了当今中国的居住文化。The theme communities follow the tide above and become the representation of the inhabitation culture in China.

现代居住空间的种种弊端使人们怀念传统居住模式的优势。Kinds of abuse of modern inhabitation space make residents long for advantages of traditional inhabitation space.

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残破的家庭、同性家长和婚姻、堕胎、婚外情、和同居实在太常见。Broken families, same-sex parents and marriages, abortion, extra-marital affairs and co- inhabitation are far too common.

北京名人故居是北京居住文化的重要组成部分,它具有属地、属人和属物三重属性。The former residences of celebrities are important parts in Beijing inhabitation culture, which boast threefold property.

清水江鱼类在泪游、食性、繁殖和栖息习性等方面分别属于不同的生态类型。The fish in the Qingshui River belonged to different ecological types in migration, feeding, reproduction, and inhabitation.

进入21世纪,联排式小住宅作为一种健康的居住形态在我国大城市兴建起来,并受到购房人的青睐。The townhouse is being built as a healthy inhabitation form and boosted by the purchasers with the entering into 21st century.

对于居住社区而言,公共设施的布局合理与否,直接影响着居住生活的质量。As to dwelling community, the rationality of the layout of it's public establishment will affect the quality of inhabitation directly.

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闽西客家家族形态主要表现为单姓血缘的大家族自然村和相对集中的血缘聚居形式。The forms of the Hakka kindreds were mainly the natural villages of a single family name and inhabitation of relatively concentrated kins.

皖南民居以其独特的空间模式和建筑造型成为民居大家庭里的一只奇葩。Dwelling south Anhui province has excellence inhabitation environment, because it has pattern of particular space and form of architecture.

因此,必须加强健康教育,加强康复护理,采用寻求社会支持等手段,使病人保持良好的心态。The author put forth the health education, including keeping the patients in good emotion, improving inhabitation care and seek social help.

21世纪我国已进入老龄化社会,改善老年人居住环境质量刻不容缓。Our country has entered the aging society in the 21st century, so it is urgent to improve inhabitation environmental quality of the old people.

湘、鄂、渝、黔毗邻地区自古以来就是多民族聚居区,土家族的形成与这一地区的民族变迁有密切关系。For many centuries, the outlying district where today's Hunan, Hub ei, Chongqing and Guizhou meet has been famous for its multi-ethnic inhabitation.

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本文从住居学的角度出发,展开对中国当代城市小户型居住模式的思考。The paper tries to study the chinese contemporary inhabitation model of urban small dwelling-size apartment on the conception of inhabitation theory.

中级风险区主要分布于大庆市各区周边的过渡地带,土地利用类型主要为未利用地,还有小部分的耕地和水域。The land types are of transportation, farm-land and inhabitation . The moderate risk area locates in the transitional regions of the districts in Daqing.

自从中国实行住房商品化以来,以居住分异为典型特征的社会空间极化现象日益明显。Since China put commercialization of housing into practice, the polarization of social space characterized by differentiated inhabitation has become increasingly obvious.