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按指定时间间隔重复发生。Recur at a specified time interval.

让我们稍后再重回到我们的主题。Let us recur to the subject later on.

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随访3个月以上,吞咽困难均缓解良好。Dysphagia did not recur after 3 months followup.

这些案例研究确定了很多重现的问题。The case studies confirmed that many issues recur.

当妻子离他而去时他只好借酒浇愁。When his wife left him he had to recur to drinking.

移行细胞癌是多灶性的,有复发倾向。TCC is often multifocal and has a tendency to recur.

结节常在数周后自然消退,复发不常见。They usually disappear over several weeks and do not recur.

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但是一旦停止用药,症状就会复发。Once the drugs are stopped, however, symptoms typically recur.

让我们不去回想那个邪恶的人吧--我们两个都那么讨厌他!Let us recur not to that impious man-how hateful to both of us!

孔繁森的崇高品质和事迹经常在我脑海里再现。The noble qualities and deeds of Kong Fansen often recur to me.

要解决这个问题,我们又必须回到“家父权”。To solve these questions, we must recur to the Patria Potestas.

歧视和适度的问题,出现在每一场战争中。Issues of discrimination and proportionality recur in every war.

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阶段性的躁狂和抑郁通常在一生中反复发作。Episodes of mania and depression typically recur across the life span.

一些相同的老嗜好年复一年地以单调的规律重现。Thesame old favourites recur year in year out with monotonous regularity.

此事件或待办事项要于一年中的哪一天循环。Sets a specific day within the year on which this event or to-do should recur.

这种小中风可多次复发并越来越严重,最后导致多发性梗塞痴呆症或中风。They tend to recur and may worsen, leading to multi-infarct dementia or stroke.

反复咳嗽伴有高烧、皮疹或持续性头痛。Cough tends to recur or is accompanied by high fever, rash or persistent headache.

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我们的研究准确地显示出,在较高成就者身上不断出现的几种性格特征。Our research pinpoints a number of traits that recur regularly among top achievers.

咳嗽有复发或者伴随高烧,发疹,或者持续头痛。Cough tends to recur or is accompanied by a high fever, rash, or persistent headache.

尽管人们尚未就这两个问题达成一致,但在争论中反复出现了两种论调。There is not much agreement on the answers, but two themes recur in many explanations.