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太阳是什么?What is sun?

他是一个阳光男孩。He's a sun boy.

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这是太阳Here's the Sun.

孙先生现在不在。Sun is out now.

太阳出来红彤彤。The sun rose red.

太阳是颗恒星。Our Sun is a star.

她感受到阳光。She feels the sun.

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红太阳升起来了。The red sun rises.

太阳是颗星。The sun is a star.

太阳落下去。The sun went down.

这是个红太阳。This is a red sun.

日将暝。The sun is setting.

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我能见到太阳公公吗?Can I reach the sun?

我望著深红色的太阳。I stare the red sun.

太阳放出光。The sun emits light.

太阳是发光体。The sun gives light.

有遮阳帽吗?Do you have sun hats?

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阳光使水果成熟。The sun ripens fruit.

是的,我是孙林。Yes, this is Sun Lin.

你钔兜是苊德阳光。You are mY SuN shinE.