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不要把门弄得吱吱地响。Don't creak the door.

那扇门嘎地一声开了。The door opened with a creak.

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竹门轻轻地呀了一声。The bamboo door gave a muffled creak.

大家纷纷就座,椅子发出一阵吱呀声。Chairs creak as everybody gets settled.

我拿着冰激凌蹦蹦跳跳的踩在咯吱咯吱的积雪上。I took the ice cream to bounce on the creak of the snow.

当门开始嘎吱一下打开时,我感到一阵恐怖袭上心头。I felt a thrill of terror as the door began to creak open.

由于买家稀少,欧洲债券市场仍处于勉力维持的境地。European bond markets continued to creak as buyers remained scarce.

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偶尔会传来“咯吱”一声,积雪把树枝压断了。Occasionally heard "creak" A snow pressure to cut off the branches.

他听见那扇门吱呀一声,然后就听到细小的声音喊他。He heard it creak , and then the sound of a small voice came to him.

哈利听见了靴子的吱吱响声,格雷伯克蹲到了赫敏面前。He heard the creak of Greyback's boots as he crouched down in front of Hermione.

我听到头边的地板吱吱作响,但还是不敢动。I heard the floorboards creak by my bed where my head was laying exposed, I still couldn't move.

四周一片寂静,只有我们扭曲的后弹簧和保险杆尖叫着,伴着我们冲入无尽的黑暗之中。Our twisted rear springs and bumper bark and creak in the quiet around our rush down the night road.

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户外正起风,刮得园子里几棵高高的老树光秃秃的枝桠嘎啦啦响。A wind was springing up outside, making the tall old trees in the garden creak their leafless boughs.

日益增长的人口已经令大城市的道路和十字交叉口不堪重负。The roads and rails criss-crossing big cities already creak under the pressure of growing populations.

他让我们听到了船桨的嘎吱声、笔尖滑动的摩擦声和得了结核病的国王奋力的喘息声。He lets us hear the creak of oars and the scratch of pens, as well as the tubercular king fighting for every breath.

他让我们听到了船桨嘎吱嘎吱的声音和笔尖写字时摩擦纸面的刮擦声,还有患了结核病的国王为每次呼吸而奋斗的声音。He lets us hear the creak of oars and the scratch of pens, as well as the tubercular king fighting for every breath.

地板上,有来来回回的奔跑声及走路声。夜间,古老的硬木地板发出咯吱咯吱的声音。Reports of running and walking across the hardwood floors as the aged wood floorboards creak and crack during the night.

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她又听得竹门响,她又看见女儿的头血淋淋地滚到竹榻边!She heard the bamboo door creak and looked round -her daughter's head, all bloody, was rolling across the floor towards her bed!

你庸懒地看着沉重的货车在飞尘的路上吱嘎作响,船帆缓慢爬行沿着地平线渡过远方的河。You idly watch the heavy cart creak on in the dusty road, and the boat-mast crawling along the horizon across the far-off river.

跑上石头台阶,哈利用魔杖敲了一下前门,只听见一连串金属撞击的响亮声音,还有像链条发出的哗啦哗啦声,然后门吱吱呀呀地开了,他们赶紧跨过门槛。They heard a series of metallic clicks and the clatter of a chain, then the door swung open with a creak and they hurried over the threshold.