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使徒保罗的基督教是如何得胜的How Pauline Christianity Triumphed

然后宝莲爱上了海明威的爱情。Then Pauline fell in love with Hemingway.

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宝莲和他离婚结婚记者玛莎盖尔霍恩。He divorced Pauline and married reporter Martha Gellhorn.

他说,波琳正在打封信,她现在不能跟你讲话。He said , Pauline typing letters. She can't speak to him.

宝琳试著一个音节一个音节地念出那个单字。Pauline tried to pronounce the word one syllable at a time.

在他29岁的时候,他娶了比自己小十一岁的波琳·科赫。At age 29, he married Pauline Koch, eleven years his junior.

1991年,波林在旧金山闹市区举办了一场机器马戏演出。In 1991 Pauline staged a machine circus in downtown San Francisco.

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现在跟护士聊聊。问刘护士,直到没话可问。Let's talk to the nurse now. Question Pauline Liu until you can't.

伍德太太65岁的女儿宝琳•罗拒绝谈论这件事。Mrs Wood's daughter Pauline Rowe, 65, refused to discuss the split.

“亲爱的艾比”或艾比盖尔·范布伦的真名叫波林·埃丝特·弗里德曼。"Dear Abby" or Abigail Van Buren is in fact Pauline Esther Friedman.

多年前他在摆弄自制火箭时炸飞了手指。Years ago Pauline blew off his fingers messing around with homemade rockets.

宝铃·库雪蒙出生在新奥尔良,1863年的时候,30岁的她正为演艺事业努力着。Born in New Orleans, Pauline Cushman was a struggling 30-year-old actress in 1863.

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Pauline留下了两个年幼的儿子。Her daughter Pauline died of cancer three years ago, aged 42, leaving two young sons.

陈素仪、邓凝姿及林玉莲的作品,则表现出「艺术品可穿戴」的概念。Pauline Chan, Lam Yuk Lin and Tang Ying Chi's works to express the concept of wearable.

Pauline在1965年12月31日健康地出生时,我开心极了。Hence my joy on 31 December 1965, when Pauline was delivered healthy and very much alive.

之后据透露,这副版画是住在伦敦的一个叫做保林?卡尔皮达斯的收藏家所收藏。Then word slipped out that it had belonged to Pauline Karpidas, a London-based collector.

“美芯真是一个乏味的人。她哪儿都不愿跟我们去,”波琳说。"Maxime is really a cold fish. She's not interested in going anywhere with us, " Pauline said.

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没关系。宝琳,这种情形在家都有可能碰上,所以你也不要太自责了。Don't worry about it, Pauline. It could have happened to anyone, so you shouldn't blame yourself.

最初,波琳与赫尔曼打算让孩子随他爷爷起名为亚伯拉罕。Initially, Pauline and Hermann had planned to name the boy Abraham, after his paternal grandfather.

到了140年时﹐四福音和保罗的13书信﹐已经被视为与旧约圣经同样的有权威。By 140 AD, the 4 gospels and 13 Pauline letters were seen as equally authoritative as the Old Testament.