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伊斯兰教的信徒或追随者。A believer in or adherent of Islam.

还有那个“遗老”指的究竟是谁?Besides, who on earth is the old adherent?

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体外培养以获得贴壁细胞。The adherent cells were gained by cultivated in vitro.

皮肤能和下层组织粘连。The skin can become adherent to the underlying tissues.

浆果是明亮的红色与粘附皮肤和中性的味道。The berries are bright red with adherent skins and a mild flavor.

而且细胞的贴壁效果也是观测分析的关键条件之一。The effect of cellular adherent was a major condition for analysis.

信徒的伊斯兰教是一个穆斯林,意思是“一个谁提交”。An adherent of Islam is known as a Muslim, meaning "one who submits".

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全身心投入地工作,这样的时光绝不会被挥霍,这就是所有的智慧。The sum of wisdom is that time is never absent that is adherent to plan.

粘附的血小板同样能增加抗体和细胞免疫的反应。Adherent platelets can also augment antibody and cellular immune responses.

疏水性是细菌粘附到宿主表面能力的一个重要组织部分。Hydrophobicity is one of adherent forces by which bacteria adhere to host surface.

在家里,瑞普的唯一知己就是那条名叫“狼”的狗,“狼”和他主人一样怕女主人。Rip's sole domestic adherent was his dog Wolf, who was as much hen-pecked as his master.

结语部分总结了归庄在明遗民文学中的地位和价值。The conclusion part summarized Guizhuang in Ming adherent literature status and the value.

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患婴有著薄,紧贴的皮肤,造成关节脔缩及呼吸不全。The baby had thin, tightly adherent skin that causes arthrogryposis and respiratory insufficiency.

一个坚持不喷农药的农场,从产地和生产者开始为您的饮食把关。An adherent of the farms without pesticides, from the origin and producers began to check your diet.

它吸引了一大批追随者,主要是在东部地区,但赢得了最杰出的良附着研究。It attracted a wide following, chiefly in the East, but won its most distinguished adherent in Tertullian.

结论小儿包皮过长、包茎以包皮环套术为优。Conclusion The plastibell circumcision is a preferred approach for phimosis and adherent prepuce in children.

爱尔兰一直以来的一个忠实的天主教国家的模式,问问题贴到了梵蒂冈的话。Ireland has long been the model of a loyal Catholic state, an ask-no-questions adherent to the Vatican's word.

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塔金是一位极富才华又极度冷酷的战术家,帕尔帕廷皇帝新秩序观念的忠实拥护者。A brilliant and ruthless tactician, Tarkin was a loyal adherent to Emperor Palpatine's vision of the New Order.

实验以鲁西黄牛耳缘组织为研究材料,采用组织块贴壁培养法对其进行了成纤维细胞的体外培养。Luxi cattle ear marginal tissue was cultivated by direct adherent culture methods to culture fibroblast in vitro.

象的颅骨因为要附着颈和躯干的肌肉而非常巨大,但它的重量出乎意料得轻。The elephant's skull because want adherent neck and torso muscle and very huge, but its weight unexpectedly light.