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胜利,是属于最坚韧的人。Victory is among the most tenacious people.

原力的光明面可是说是非常的顽强。The positive side of the force can be just as tenacious.

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我们要学习鲁迅先生韧性的战斗精神。We must learn from the tenacious fighting spirit of Lu Xun.

属附着性卵,卵膜较厚且韧性,附有50余根丝状物。Egg membrane is thick and tenacious with about 50 filaments.

某个固执的审计员说不定想拿你来杀鸡儆猴。A tenacious auditor might want to make an example out of you.

生命力顽强的种子,从不对瘠土唱诅咒的歌。The tenacious vitality of seeds from soil, not cursed song sing.

尽管有困难,但他们不达目的决不罢休。In spite of the hardship, they were tenacious to reach their goals.

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这是一个非常恰当的描述。牛鲨非常顽强和具攻击性。It's a fitting description. Bull sharks can be tenacious and aggressive.

通过阅读西游记,让我们了解到了一种顽强拼搏的精神。By reading Journey to the West , let us understand that a tenacious spirit.

在注射了大量尿苷的大鼠中,也发现了同样的现象。Similarly, rats injected with high levels of uridine were equally tenacious.

沂蒙人民富有顽强的反压迫、反剥削的斗争精神。Yi-meng people have tenacious fighting spirit opposing oppress and exploitive.

如同希金斯一样,他也是最为优秀,最为顽强的选手之一。He is also, like Higgins, one of the coolest and most tenacious of competitors.

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但是,我们在乐观的同时应该保持清醒,我们要认识到疟疾是一种顽固的疾病。But our optimism must also be leavened with caution. Malaria is a tenacious foe.

如此强壮和顽强使他能很轻松的防住一些大前锋。So strong and tenacious that he can easily defend some power forwards in spurts.

我喜欢蝴蝶兰,喜欢蝴蝶兰的顽强和无私奉献的精神。I like the butterfly orchid , Phalaenopsis like tenacious and selfless dedication.

最好奇的人在她那种沉默面前,最顽强的人在她那种固执面前也都毫无办法。The most curious were baffled by her silence and the most tenacious by her obstinacy.

在莱科市,尽管步行巴士兴起,使用汽车已经成为了根深蒂固的习惯。In Lecco, car use has proved a tenacious habit even though the piedibus has caught on.

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我总感觉身上流淌这一种叛逆的血液,他肯定执着,从一而终。I always feel I have the blood of rebellion in my body. He must be tenacious and loyal.

据说,猫有九条命,是因为它比其它的动物顽强。A cat is said to have nine lives because it is more tenacious of life than many animals.

这里,然后,是一张选定的全联盟最坚韧不拔顽强的表演者的清单。Here, then, is a selected listing of the league's most dauntlessly tenacious performers.