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经血液培养是海洋创伤弧菌感染。The blood culture showed vibrio vulnificus growth.

该病由霍乱弧菌引起。The disease is caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae.

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创伤弧菌可引致伤口或软组织感染。Vibrio vulnificus can cause wound or soft tissue infections.

霍乱暴发是由霍乱弧菌引起的。Cholera outbreaks are caused by the bacteria Vibrio cholerae.

在这两个州,霍乱弧菌已经实验室确认。In both states, Vibrio cholerae has been laboratory confirmed.

霍乱的病原体霍乱弧菌可以在一些浮游生物体内生存。The cholera bacteria Vibrio cholerae can live on some species of plankton.

因此,该重组菌苗可能成为霍乱弧菌很好的菌苗候选株。Therefore, the recombinant could be a vaccine candidate of Vibrio cholera.

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采用霍乱弧菌食物中毒的国家标准的检验方法进行检测。All samples were examined by Vibrio cholera food poisoning standard methods.

利用LAMP法检测哈维氏弧菌在国内尚属首次报道。Using LAMP amplication to detect Vibrio harveyi is the first report in China.

霍乱弧菌已在检测的17份样本的14份中得到实验室确认。Vibrio cholerae has been laboratory confirmed in 14 out of 17 samples tested.

霍乱是一种严重的肠道疾病,由霍乱弧菌引起。Cholera is a severe intestinal disease caused by the bacteria Vibrio cholerae.

结论溶藻弧菌是本次食物中毒的病原菌。Conclusion Vibrio Alginolyticus was the germ which caused the food- poisoning.

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在有些疫区已确认存在01稻叶血清型霍乱弧菌。Vibrio cholerae 01 sero type inaba has been confirmed in some of the affected areas.

一种叫创伤弧菌的传染病跟生吃牡蛎有关。An infection called Vibrio vulnificus is associated with the consumption of raw oysters.

迄今为止,已有10人死亡,其中3人呈霍乱弧菌阳性反应。To date there have been 10 fatalities, three of whom tested positive for Vibrio cholera.

目的了解水产品中致病性弧菌污染状况。Objective To understand the contamination status of pathogenic Vibrio in aquatic products.

目的研究从海水中分离出的副溶血弧菌的致病性。OBJECTIVE To study the infectivity of the Vibrio parahaernolyticus isolated from the brine.

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副溶血性弧菌是食物中毒的重要病原菌。Vibrio parahaemolyticus is an important microorganism pathogen for food intoxication cases.

在报告的这些病例中,已有283份粪便样本经实验室确认含有霍乱弧菌。Of these reported cases, Vibrio cholerae has been laboratory confirmed in 283 stool specimens.

在报告的这些病例中,已有392份粪便样本经实验室确认含有霍乱弧菌。Of these reported cases, Vibrio cholerae has been laboratory confirmed in 392 stool specimens.