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那是由谁做成的呢?By whom was it made?

他该选择哪一个?Whom should he choose?

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暗洒线抛却为谁?。For whom weep inwardly?

他们最恨的是谁?Whom do they hate most?

我想到底是谁在可怜谁。I wonder who pities whom.

就是他,我所说的那个人。It is He of whom I spake.

以利以谢向谁赞美感谢?Whom does Eliezer praise?

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我搞活谁我会的。And I enliven whom I will.

谁曾殖民过加拿大?By whom was Canada settled?

姑娘追?追谁?Girls' chase? Chasing whom?

瞧瞧谁的辫子多。Look whom with more plaits.

一个女人最恨的是谁?Whom does a woman hate most?

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我的情我的伤,为谁?My feeling whom my wound, is?

这个问题取决于你问谁。That depends on whom you ask.

我从谁那儿能得到安慰呢?From whom shall I get comfort?

我不知道该去找谁。I didn’t know whom to turn to.

我向谁汇报工作呢?。Okay! Whom should I report to?

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除你以外,在天上我有谁呢?Whom have I in heaven but you?

再者,我当服事谁呢。And again, whom should I serve?

容德雷特说的是谁?Of whom was Jondrette speaking?