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我深信我女儿还太稚嫩,所谓的保皇意识在她的思想里还没有萌芽。My daughter, I'm confident, is no budding royalist.

你在王党里潜伏密探有多久了?。How long have you had agents amongst the Royalist party?

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安静山侯爵是当时一个大名鼎鼎的保王党。The Marquis de Montcalm was at that time a celebrated royalist.

安静山侯爵是当时一个大名鼎鼎的保王党。The marquis de montcalm was at that time a celebrated royalist.

不管保皇党的警务部多么无能,他们却知道一件可怕的事。However stupid the royalist police may be, they do know one terrible thing.

对英国王室的支持,从戴安娜王妃逝世后达到最低位起现在已经有了小幅重新增长。There has been a small regrowth in royalist support since the nadir following Princess Diana's death.

你以为杀死我哥哥是件好事,因为他是个拿破仑党,而你是一个保皇党!You think that IT was a good deed to kill my brother, who was a Bonapartist, because you are a royalist.

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牛津教育的阿披实得到来自泰国军队和国家的保皇派精英的坚强后盾。The Oxford educated Abhisit enjoys strong backing from the Thai military and the country's royalist elite.

英联邦的事业被视为国家压迫,打扮华丽的保皇党支持光明和生活。The Commonwealth cause is identified with state oppression, the dandified royalist side with light and life.

一七九三年,他奉命往法国沿海地区旺代,协助平定当地保王党叛乱,打了几场胜仗,但后来提出辞呈。In 1793, he was sent to Vendee, a coastal 1 region in France, to help suppress a Royalist insurgency 2 there.

然而,由于朝代更迭,金日磾的后裔为恢复汉朝而被迫害。However, due to dynastic changes, the descendants of Jin Midi were persecuted for their royalist ties to the Han Dynasty.

马吕斯刚才所说的每一句话,在那老保王派脸上所产生的效果,正如一阵阵从鼓风炉中吹到炽炭上的热气。Every word t'at Marius had just uttered produced on the visage of the old Royalist the effect of the puffs of air from a forge upon a blazing brand.

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其间发生了包括拿破仑,保皇党复辟,和拿破仑三世,即维克多·雨果蔑称的“小人”治下的第三帝国。In the interim, there was Napoleon, the royalist restoration and the Second Empire under Napoleon III, the "little one, " as Victor Hugo said derisively.

1648年,他转而支持保皇派,最终在1660年的复辟时期成为了查理二世的苏格兰议会理事成员。By 1648, he had switched to supporting the Royalist cause, eventually becoming Charles II's commissioner to the Scottish Parliament at the Restoration in 1660.

但是巴西的保皇者与新政府进行强有力的文化对话和协商,这培养了一支美洲最具专业的外交使团。But Brazil's royalist roots also gave it a strong culture of dialogue and negotiation, which nurtured one of the most professional diplomatic corps in the Americas.

事实上,这也许会激怒一个运动,这个运动有工人阶级和位于农村的泰国人的支持,他们都已经感觉受到曼谷的保皇派中坚分子和政治庇护的欺骗。Indeed, it may inflame a movement that has the support of working-class and rural Thais who already feel cheated by Bangkok's royalist elite and its political wing.

在2006年,支持王室的将领在该年发动政变迫使他下台,身穿代表王室黄色衬衫并控告他信是隐藏的共和党的反对者取得有利地位。The protesters, wearing royal-yellow shirts and accusing Mr Thaksin of being a closet republican, got their way when royalist generals removed him in the coup of 2006.

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但是君主主义者们克服了这点,发起了一场强有力的保皇主义运动,就如我之前表示的,这不仅仅是人们在追溯过去But,the history of Royalism is not--it goes beyond that, and there was a strong Royalist movement, as I've already suggested, and it wasn't just people looking backwards.

一个衣着花哨的保皇党小男孩面对着克伦威尔狂热追求设立的严酷的法庭。In William Frederick Yeames's classic Victorian painting And When Did You Last See Your Father? a fancily dressed royalist boy faces a grim tribunal of Cromwellian zealots.

保皇党的报纸急切地把这些红白蓝相间的国旗照片放在首页,做给那些认为我们的行为是歇斯底里或滑稽的人看。Royalist newspapers eagerly put photographs of those same red, white and blue flags along Regent Street on the front page, playing to an audience that finds our reaction hysterical and comic.