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这段友谊是让我变强还是变弱?Does this friendship strengthen me or weaken me?

而且时间长了也还腐蚀弱化龟壳。It can also corrode and weaken the shell over time.

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这可能会造成美元进一步走软,加剧通货膨胀。Those may weaken the dollar more, adding to inflation.

乾空气的入侵将令卢碧继续减弱。LUPIT will continue to weaken due to dry air intrusion.

惩罚和罚款都不能削弱他们的坚强信念。Punishment and penalty fail to weaken the strong belief.

如果不锻炼你的肌肉,肌力就削弱和萎缩了。If you don't exercise your muscles, they weaken and atrophy.

它削弱了货币流通并提高了通胀。It also tends to weaken the currency and increase inflation.

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重炮海法也将有助于削弱捍卫者。Heavy artillery barrages will also help weaken the defenders.

比如说一张简单的信用卡就会减弱我们的自控力。Something as simple as a credit card can weaken self-control.

正如哈斯所言,政治危机并没有动摇这座建筑。Political crisis did not weaken this structure, as Haass says.

以色列甚至使用强制性地手段使谢克尔贬值。Israel has intervened even more forcefully to weaken the shekel.

如果你用七根绳子绑住我的话,我的力量就会因此变弱的。If you tied me with seven ropes, it would make my strength weaken.

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但带间有绝缘时,其交流损耗的各向异性比带间无绝缘时的情况稍有减弱。Insulator can weaken the anisotropy of AC loss of multi-tape stack.

我等着它咽气,等了很久,但它的呼吸并不见减弱。I waited a long time for him to die, but his breathing did not weaken.

气候变化会削弱还是加强季风,这点还不清楚。It's unclear whether climate change will weaken or intensify monsoons.

我的膝疼痛,我的腿酸软。主啊,我的心呼吁你。My knees ache and my legs weaken. and my heart longs for you, my Lord.

油基润滑剂会削弱橡胶安全套并引起破裂。Oil-based lubricants can weaken latex condoms and cause them to break.

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这一点,现在和过去一样重要,不会削弱一点。It's as important now as it's ever been, and it willnot weaken one bit.

一旦你踢松了其中一条凳腿,整张凳子就开始失去平衡,接而倒塌。Once you weaken one leg, the stool begins to lose its balance and fall.

她身体很虚弱,走了没几分钟就已经气喘吁吁了。She is so weaken that she have been breath out for walking in a minter.