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我写作本文时间是六月。I write this in June.

田纳西州,1942年6月。Tennessee, June 1942.

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6月的玫瑰花枯萎了。The June roses blighted.

罗宾•唐妮的生日是六月十九日。Her birth date is June 19.

今天六月十七号。It's June the seventeenth.

何文在6月2号失踪。He Wen went missing June 2.

但我们到六月还要生火。But we have a fire until June.

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五月在四月和六月之间。May is between April and June.

王涛于六月六日出生,母子平安。Tao born June sixth both well.

他们俩在2006年6月共结连理。They got married in June 2006.

伊萨克·朱利?,-他是英国人。Issac June? -He's from the UK.

在六月里的一天早上,天气晴朗,......on one sunshiny morning in June

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每年的6月6日是全国爱眼日。June 6 is National Eye-Care Day.

六月里的恋人会怎么做呢?What will the lovers do in June?

为什么朱恩没有替你接电话?Why didn't June pick up for you?

它名为琼裂鳍亚口鱼。It's called the June sucker fish.

六月我们沐浴着明媚的阳光。June bathes us in the bright sun.

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明丽的六月你吹拂玫瑰。Do not the bright June roses blow.

六月的果实会为我们铺下新的道路。June for our fruit paved new path.

你的6月格言是“慢慢来”。Your June bywords are "go slowly."