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按摩你的耳垂就可以减慢你的心跳。I can touch your earlobe and slow your heartbeat.

现在你要做的是轻轻的咬这个小婊子的耳垂。Now all you gotta do is nibble on this little bitch's earlobe.

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夹拉耳垂能使思想清醒、眼明神足。Clamping and pulling earlobe can make thought clear, good foot god.

较大的儿童应量耳垂到鼻梁再到剑突的长度。For the older child, measure from earlobe to bridge of nose to xiphoid.

你的医生可能实行一次血液测试作为一个日常工作检查的部分,或它可能完成为了特定某物检查。This test can be performed using a small amount of blood from the earlobe or finger.

第2步左手食指和拇指握拉您的右耳垂,并确定拇指甲面是背向脸。Step 2. Take your hand and hold your right earlobe with your pointer finger and thumb.

其他的生物鉴定技术有指纹识别、声音鉴别、脸谱识别、虹膜识别,甚至耳垂识别。Other biometric identifiers include your fingerprint, voice, iris, face, even the shape of your earlobe.

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怎么找?后颈部,背面骨下,两笔大筋外缘陷窝中,相称于耳垂齐平。How to find? The back of the neck, back bone, two big band edge lacunae, proportionate to the earlobe Qi ping.

用双手拇、食两指夹住耳垂向下拉动,一拉一放为1次,共50次。With both hands thumb, food two finger pinching earlobe downward pull, pull one for 1 times, 50 times in total.

另外,木乃伊的左耳垂有两道穿刺,而娜芙提提雕像的耳朵也有两道刺孔。In addition, the mummys left earlobe was pierced twice. The sculpture of Nefertiti shows her with a double-pierced ear.

脉氧仪显示病人氧饱和度,这是一种非侵入式监测仪,套在病人指头或耳垂上连续监测氧饱和度。The pulse oximeter is a noninvasive monitor attached to the patient's finger or earlobe to measure oxygen saturation continuously.

在按摩中,一切都是相通的。我可以按摩你的脚来清洁你的肾脏。按摩你的耳垂帮你减速的心跳。With massage, everything's connected. I can touch your foot, cleanse your kidney. I can touch your earlobe and slow your heartbeat.

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方法将耳垂裂隙局部形成的双舌形皮瓣旋转、瓦合,治疗先天缺损型耳垂裂。Methods Two tongue-shaped flaps raised just beside the cleft of the earlobe were revolved and lap-jointed to repair the hypoplastic earlobe cleft.

文章对滨州学院在校学生的拇指类型、食环指类型、通贯纹、卷舌、耳垂五对性状进行了抽样调查,研究分析其遗传方式。This article is the investigation to the students of Binzhou university in thumb, ring finger food type, Wen-penetration, rolling and the earlobe.

我的症状是耳垂里有一颗颗东西,有大有小,大的如米小的如沙,且不疼,请问是肿瘤吗?My symptom is there is in earlobe a thing, have have greatly small, be like rice greatly to be like sand smally , and do not ache, be tumor excuse me?

根据传统观念,耳环有很多不可思议的魔力,在耳垂上穿个洞会把那些可能已经进入身体中的恶灵释放出去。According to tradition, rings have many magical powers. Making a hole through the earlobe was as way to let out harmful spirits that might have entered the body.

我像平常累了的时候一样靠在我的座椅上,扯着我的有耳垂挠着头,我额头的发际线已经开始后退了。I leaned back in my desk chair and, as I do when I’m tired, pulled on my right earlobe and scratched my head, the right forefront where my hairline is beginning to retreat.

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他们踏板一个周期来测量各种不同的劳累水平,医生从耳垂采取血液样本,然后,用一个特殊的设备来测量血液中乳酸的浓度。As they pedal a cycle ergometer at various levels of exertion, a doctor takes blood samples from an earlobe. A special device then measures the concentration of lactate in the blood.