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它有一个Unicode的字符串类型和数组类型。It has a Unicode string type and an array type.

Unicode的5.1.0增添新的1624个编码字符。Unicode 5.1.0 adds 1, 624 newly encoded characters.

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不能识别的编码序列值,请使用默认值。Unrecognized unicode collation values, using default values.

苹果产品的表情都是由统一码联盟设计。Emoji on Apple products are designed by the Unicode consortium.

一个版本接受MBCS字符串,另一个接受Unicode字符串。One version accepts MCBS strings, and the other Unicode strings.

在指定的字元位置上将单精确度浮点数的字串表示插入这个执行个体。Appends the string representation of a specified Unicode character to this instance.

Unicode的5.1包含有重大属性改变和行为规范。Unicode 5.1 contains significant changes to properties and behavioral specifications.

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版本5.1.0数据档案和文件都是最终的并张贴在Unicode的网站。The Version 5.1.0 data files and documentation are final and posted on the Unicode site.

例如,他报告了使用扩展字符集的Unicode文件名大问题。For example, he reported massive problems with UNICODE filenames that use extended charset.

烛爱的默认语言是英语,也支持其他编码包括中文字体。Candle's default language is English, but supports unicode which includes chinese characters.

测试指定GBK码或者UNICODE码是否存在系统字库中,也可测试所有自造字EUDC。TTC-designated test code or whether there UNICODE code library system, can also test all self-defined EUDC.

在此实例的结尾追加指定的单精度浮点数的字符串表示形式。Appends the string representation of a specified subarray of Unicode characters to the end of this instance.

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CRT使用_MBCS和_UNICODE两个宏来区分多字节字符集和Unicode字符集。CRT uses the _MBCS and _UNICODE symbols definition in order to distinguish between multi-byte and Unicode builds.

统一码联盟过去只支持一种肤色,那就是它认为比较通用的橘黄色。The Unicode Consortium had previously backed only one skin color, a yellow-orange tone that it considered generic.

首先,它不会让数字锁定灯闪烁,除非你专门按了这个键。Then, with NUM LOCK on, hold down the ALT key while using the number pad keys to type the Unicode character value.

返回字符序列的长度,此长度指的是字符序列中16比特的Unicode字符数。Returns the length of this character sequence. The length is the number of 16-bit Unicode characters in the sequence.

DirectWrite提供高质量的文本呈现、具有独立分辨率的轮廓字体、完整的Unicode文本以及布局支持。DirectWrite provides high-quality text rendering, resolution-independent outline fonts, and full Unicode text and layout support.

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windows上的wchar_t型一般占用16比特大小,所以在windows上可以使用使用大约65535个不同的字符。One Unicode symbol occupies one wchar_t element, which is 16-bit on the Windows platform, and can represent up to 65535 different values.

Unicode为每个字符提供了一个独一无二的数字,无论平台是什么,无论使用了何冲程序,无论语言。Unicode provides a unique number for every character, no matter what the platform, no matter what the program, no matter what the language.

在这个版本中,Delphi的Win32版有望完全兼容Unicode,甚至标准的字符串也可以为Unicode格式。In this release the Win32 version of Delphi is expected to be fully Unicode-compatible with even the standard string being in Unicode format.