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给不健康食品的销售加税。Tax the marketing and sale of unhealthful foods.

不利于健康的脂肪包括饱和脂肪及转化脂肪。Unhealthful fats include saturated and trans fats.

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现在,我们终于开始认识到了我们的饮食其实是不健康而且不安全的。And we’ve come to recognize that our diet is unhealthful and unsafe.

这两个特点就决定了房地产业需要金融业的大力支持。Presently, the financial system of real estate is still unhealthful.

氧分在新陈代谢方面起着关键作用,但也是引起不健康的因素。Oxygen plays a key role in metabolism, but can also be an unhealthful agent.

同时他也表示盐和非健康油脂的摄入量的降低也起到了一定作用。He says a decrease in the use of salt and unhealthful fats probably also helped.

同时他也表示,食盐和有害脂肪摄入减少可能也有所帮助。He saysthata decrease in the use of salt and unhealthful fats probably also helped.

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环境中放射性对健康的影响日益成为人们关心的问题。The unhealthful radioactivity in environment has increasingly been an interest problem.

不健康的脂肪包括饱和脂肪和转化脂肪,研究报告没有记录这二种脂肪的区别。Unhealthful fats include saturated and trans fats. The study did not note differences between these two kinds of fat.

Gillman说,“在这项观察性研究中,我们真的不知道孩子们是否在用健康食品代替不健康食品。We don't really know from this observational study whether kids are substituting unhealthful foods for the more healthful ones.

大学生作为我国社会中文化层次较高的群体、高级人才的预备队,对于我国未来的发展起着举足轻重的作用。However, too much stress is unhealthful to the mind and body. College students play an important role in the future development of China.

例如有些在鱼或者坚果食物中的脂肪是对人体健康有益的。不健康的脂肪指饱和的反向脂肪。For example, fats in some foods like fish and nuts are considered good for human health. Unhealthful fats include saturated and trans fats.

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Ezzati把此功劳归于发达国家不断完善的检测和治疗手段,当然也与盐以及不健康油脂的减少使用也有关。Dr. Ezzati credits improved testing and treatment in wealthy countries. He says a decrease in the use of salt and unhealthful fats probably also helped.

比如,有专人负责检查员工的工作环境,不允许不健康的,过于凌乱和不卫生的,或者过于奇怪的装饰,那是不允许的。For example, companies can have certain employee check the physical environment and prohibit those designs which are in disorder, unhealthful , or excessively eccentric.

但是,私人公司的调查员就没有那些政府检查员的一些全力--比如不用事先通知就行进突击检查,有如发现不卫生状况即可关停餐馆的权力。But the inspectors employed by a private service would not have the powers of public inspectors--to inspect without notice and shut down a restaurant found to have unhealthful conditions.