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那么,基恩的奶酪究竟有什么特别之处?So what makes Keene's cheddar so special?

伊萨克抓起一块披萨和一大块切达干酪。Isaak grabbed a pizza and a block of cheddar cheese.

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切斯特猎豹嚼着一大块切达干酪。Chester Cheetah chews a chunk of cheep cheddar cheese.

我还放弃了一块切达干酪,里面还有切碎的培根肉。I gave away a block of cheddar cheese with crumbled bacon in it.

因此对于它来说一块士力架要比一大块切达奶酪要好得多。So a Snickers bar would go down much better than a lump of cheddar.

牛排家沙拉,配烤牛柳,温泉蛋和车达芝士。Steak House salad with roasted beef, eggs, cheddar cheese, and spinach.

我早饭要吃里面带蔬菜和干酪馅的煎蛋清卷。I'm going to breakfast an egg-white omelet with vegetable and cheddar filling.

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但是,为了迁就美国人的口味,圣约翰教堂也加上一些车达奶酪。But in a concession to American palates, St. John's uses cheddar cheese instead.

适合与英国切达干酪、意大利干酪、烤吞拿鱼伴豆沙律或奶油意大利面食。Rich aged Cheddar and Parmesan. Char-grilled Tuna with bean salad or creamy pasta dishes.

你家冰箱的角落里有没有干掉的半块柠檬或者过期的干酪?Is there a dried up half-lemon or old block of cheddar lurking in a corner of your fridge?

沙拉酱,萨拉米,蘑菇,菠萝,绿橄榄,车达芝士双层莫索里拉芝士。SaladSauce, Salami, Mushroom, Pineapple, Green Olives, Cheddar and double Mozzarella Cheese.

营养的炒鸡蛋、爽滑的车达奶酪,配以两片轻脆培根,是蓬松羊角包的完美搭档。Two scrambled eggs with melted Cheddar and two slices of crispy bacon on a large fluffyproissant.

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营养的炒鸡蛋、爽滑的车达奶酪,配以两片轻脆培根,是蓬松羊角包的完美搭档。Two scrambled eggs with melted Cheddar and two slices of crispy bacon on a large fluffy croissant.

在全麦玉米煎饼上洒两盎司低脂碎切达干酪,烤三分钟。Sprinkle a whole wheat burrito with 2 ounces grated, low-fat cheddar cheese and broil for 3 minutes.

特色沙律用了青辣椒,黄瓜还有芝士,是一道清新的开胃菜。Shepherds Salad used a lot of green chili, cucumber and cheddar cheese, it is a refreshing appetizer.

如果你是个喜欢不断尝试新鲜的人的话,你甚至可以在最后加蛋液的时候,再放一些“车打”奶酪。If you are feeling adventurous, you can even add shredded cheddar cheese to the last step of the recipe.

营养的炒鸡蛋、爽滑的车达奶酪,配以两片轻脆培根或火腿,是蓬松羊角包的完美搭档。Two scrambled eggs with melted Cheddar cheese and two slices of crispy bacon on a large fluffy croissant.

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饭后一块切达,会中和你嘴里的酸,从而有助于防止蛀牙。A cube of cheddar after a meal will neutralise the acids in your mouth, thus helping to prevent tooth decay.

今天,看起来仿佛又兴起了中世纪风,甚至有的带着切达峡谷原始风味。Today, it might seem as though we have returned to the sloppiness of medieval feasting, or even Cheddar Gorge.

真是味同嚼蜡。」他这么说,而那些格拉夫顿的切达样品都已经熟成了四、五甚至六年。It's really tasteless, he says, with samples of Grafton cheddar that's been aged four, five and even six years.