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心梦了无痕。Seamless heart dream.

一个幻想的无缝错落有致。A Seamless Patchwork Of Fantasy.

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集成是近乎无缝的。The integration is almost seamless.

在孔子那里,两者是浑然一体的。Confucius, where the two are seamless.

无缝的和低努力整合。A seamless and low-effort integration with.

自动重新连接实际上是无缝的。The automatic reconnection is virtually seamless.

用平滑转换机来达成天衣无缝的声音转换效果。DJs use cross fader to a seamless transfer of sounds.

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它展示了一个不需要读盘的无缝世界。It showcases a seamless world without loading screens.

优质的圆管坯是生产高质量无缝钢管的前提。No quality round bloom, no quality seamless steel tube.

可以定做各种管坯及无缝钢管。Can be customized and seamless steel tubes of various tube.

音乐主持人用平滑转换机来达成天衣无缝的声音转换效果。DJs use cross fader to achieve a seamless transfer of sounds.

这就是我们谈到无缝集成时所指的内容。This is what we mean when we talk about seamless integration.

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FQMTM轧机是达涅利无缝钢管生产的核心设备。FQMTM is the core of Danieli seamless pipe production process.

无缝管担当起开发高技术高附加值产品的重任。The seamless pipe is produced as high additional value product.

我们无缝管专家做了充分的调查分析。Our experts have done a full seamless Investigation and Analysis.

在这种情况下,您需要建立无缝安全性框架。In this case, you need to establish a seamless security framework.

这就是一个无形的过渡,实验是在一定背景下完成的。So it's a seamless transition and experiments are done in context.

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无缝管专家表示这主要是由经济周期决定的。Seamless experts said it is mainly determined by the economic cycle.

这种无缝管的显著特点是高精度、高光洁度。This seamless significant feature of high precision and high finish.

各种无缝钢管产销量均创历年来的同期最高。All sorts of seamless steel tube production and the highest are over.