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你装了一个粗呢包?That's my duffel bag.

你装了一个粗呢包?You packed a duffel bag?

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电脑包或小行李袋。Computer Bags or Small duffel bags.

我轻装上阵,带了大行李袋。I packed light and carried a big duffel.

艾米的帆布袋在床旁的椅子上。Amy set the duffel bag on the chair beside the bed.

弗兰克的朋友到达了里克的住处,带着一个装满枪的行李袋。Frank’s friends arrive with a duffel bag full of guns.

三十分钟后,艾米走了进来,手里拿着一个大帆布袋子。Thirty minutes later, Amy walked in with a giant duffel bag.

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他把两手放在破布袋子上,感受着里面一摞摞的钞票。He put both hands on the duffel bag, feeling the stacks of bills inside.

粗呢外套看起来与她下身穿的黑裙子不很协调。The duffel coat looked incongruous with the black dress she wore underneath.

警方在印度东部的一个公车站牌处发现一个圆筒状帆布袋,里面装着八十六具头颅。Police found 86 human skulls in a duffel bag at a bus stop in the eastern part of India.

每个人都有这样一个装满消极悲观思想,画面和对话的大包。Each of us has this duffel bag filled with negative thoughts, mental images and dialogue.

星期一一大早,爸爸就拾掇好他的行李包,吻过妈妈就动身回锯木厂。Monday morning early, Dad would pack up his duffel bag, kiss Mom and start back for the sawmill.

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床垫配备了一个交流电源线和一个行李袋用于存储并进行了90天的有限保修。The mattress comes with an AC power cord and a duffel bag and carries a 90-day limited warranty.

这个男孩的尸体是1994年在费城95号州际公路附近被发现的,当时他被塞在一个行李袋里面。The boy's body had been found stuffed in a duffel bag near Interstate 95 in Philadelphia in 1994.

你在回家的路上看见一个男人坐上的士后把行李袋落在路边。You after going home on the road sees a man rides the taxi the duffel bag to fall on the roadside.

于是她将那个东西放在后备箱的一个行李袋里放了一个星期,同时她和他的男友在考虑如何应对。So she carried it in a duffel bag in her trunk for a week, while she and her boyfriend considered what to do.

当局表示,在军用背包里发现的炸弹是设计为高压锅的简陋装置。Authorities are now describing the bombs found inside duffel bags as crude devices of a pressure cooker design.

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有手柄的小行李袋可以装满书并用来做下肢锻炼,如下蹲、弓步和提举。Small duffel bags with handles can be filled with books and used for lower body exercises like squats, lunges and deadlifts.

特雷弗把时光机器拿下来,快速地拉开行李袋拉链,把它塞到行李袋里面,没有弄出一点声音,后又溜回睡袋了。Trevor brought it down and quickly but silently unzipped his duffel bag, stuffed it in and slipped back into his sleeping bag.

虽然这些并没有显现出关于流线型的什么设计以及吸引人的粗呢大衣,以及那些衣服上的皮草团似乎不能够进入全是冬装的衣橱。Although there was a rare focus on a streamlined and desirable duffel coat, that and clumps of fur did not seem adequate as a full winter wardrobe.