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肌肤焕发新生,由内而外闪耀清透、明亮光采。Skin coruscate newborn, from inside to outside is clear, bright and shine.

清雅的色彩与结构,在纷繁的世界里,焕发出独特的表现力和持久的生命力。The clean and elegant color and structure coruscate the unique expressive force and permanent life.

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米勒的绘画艺术为我们展示了一种艺术境界,是一种真诚与淳朴的,闪耀着人性的光辉的境界。Millet showed us a glary compass of art, it's pure-hearted, honest and coruscate the flame of humanity.

而且如今市面上的竹帘经过非凡的染色和设计,已经焕发出了活泼、现代的感觉。And the coloring with the bamboo shade special nowadays course on market and design, already coruscate gave lively, contemporary sense.

青春无语,却焕发出活力,鲜花无语,却散发出芬芳,春雨无语,却滋润着大地。Youth speechless, coruscate gives vitality, flowers have no language, but sends out a fragrance, spring rain speechless, moistens the earth.

明亮的灯光,不仅方便自己,还会给人扬眉吐气、焕发和亲切友好的印象。Bright light, go to the lavatory not only oneself, still can give a person feel proud and elated, coruscate and kind and friendly impression.

在涂面膜前轻柔去除角质,能让新生角质细胞得到修护,即刻焕发光彩。Gentle before besmear face film purify is corneous, can let cell of new student cutin get repairing protecting, immediateness coruscate glorious.

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重点是内调外养使阴阳平衡,让身体恢复最佳自然状态,由内而外焕发整体的健康和美丽。The key is to transfer of balance between Yin and Yang and raise, make the body restore optimal natural state, by inside and outside coruscate overall health and beauty.

其主体材质为植物果肉提炼而成,天然环保,并能产生特殊的珍珠光彩,持久地焕发鲜美迷人的魅力。The main body of the material for pulp refining plants from natural environmental protection, and produce special pearl luster and lasting coruscate delicious attractive glamour.

使保湿成分深层渗透,直达发芯,改善发质,尽显力士为你到来的柔顺和极致闪亮,由内而外焕发水润亮泽。Make moisturizing ingredients penetrate into hair cores, direct, improve hair quality, alex for your arrival of compliant and perfection, by inside and outside coruscate water shine.