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好吧什么能解释发烧和持续的心动过速?。Fine, what explains the fever and persistent tachycardia?

也可以使用医疗设备来治疗心跳过速。Medical devices can also be used to deal with tachycardia.

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当然,这是由心跳过速的性质而定的。This, of course, depends on the nature of the tachycardia.

突然发作呼吸急促、呼吸困难和心动过速。There is sudden onset of tachypnea dyspnea, and tachycardia.

另外,这只是一篇简短的关于心跳过速的文章,提供了一些相关信息。Then again, this is only a short informative text on tachycardia.

麦可天生有心律不整的问题,造成心搏过速。Mike had Wolff-Parkinson White Syndrome, which caused tachycardia.

在某些情况下,事业的室上性心动过速是未知之数。In some cases, the cause of supraventricular tachycardia is unknown.

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潜在的发展儿茶酚胺室性心动过速。"develop" the potential of "ventricular" tachycardia catecholamines.

本文报道一例非常独特的复发性宽QRS心动过速。A very unusual case with recurrent wide QRS tachycardia was described.

过份的交感冲动是窦性心动过速最常见的原因。Excessive sympathetic drive is by far the most common cause of sinus tachycardia.

探讨丁书文教授治疗心动过速的用药规律。To explore the medication rule of Professor Ding Shu-wen in treating tachycardia.

复极异常与窦性心动过速发生时间一致。Myocardial repolarization of abnormality was in assiociation with sinus tachycardia.

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风梢梢的枝头,摇曳人生无奈,富盈一季,速伴秋波。Shoot shoot wind swaying branches, life helpless, Ying season, tachycardia with her.

毫无疑问的是,治疗方案将根据心跳过速的起因来决定。One thing is for sure –the treatment options will depend on the cause of tachycardia.

成对室早和室速对预后有重要意义。The pair ventricular premature and ventricular tachycardia are important for prognosis.

本文对12例预激综合征并心动过速进行心外膜标测定位。Epicardial mapping was performed in 12 cases of prcexcitation syndromes with tachycardia.

特殊部位特发性室性心动过速的射频消融。Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation for Idiopathic Ventricular Tachycardia of Atypical Site.

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我当时兴奋极了,并且敏锐地发现自己出现了心动过速与发汗。I was overwhelmed with excitement, and became acutely aware of my own tachycardia and diaphoresis.

做过心脏手术,心动过速120可以生小孩吗?对胎儿会有影响吗?。Had done heart surgery, tachycardia 120 can you give birth to a child? Influential to fetal meeting?

房室结双径传导,是房室结内折返性心动过速的电生理基础。Double tract conduction is the physiological basis of intra-atrial ventricular reentrant tachycardia.