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但是我们没被邀请。But we were uninvited.

昨晚我被一位不速之客所打扰。I was disobliged by an uninvited guest last night.

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在这一幕中,白雪公主以一副不情愿去派对的姿态出场。In this scene, Snow White shows up uninvited to a party.

是啊,带着一条未被邀请的狗出现确实是不礼貌。Yes, it is bad manners to show up with an uninvited pooch.

我让末底改召集本城和其他犹太人帮我在神面前禁食祷告三天,在第三天结束时我会直接进王宫找国王说事。At the end of the three days I would go to the king uninvited.

昨天晚上有位朋友不请自到,使得桥牌桌上多了一个人。Last night an uninvited guest turned up to make five for bridge.

你可以过会儿再为他们不请自来的行为操心。You can worry about their manners at showing up uninvited later.

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她巧妙地使这些不请自到的客人知趣儿,没有再呆下去。She tactfully discouraged their uninvited guests from staying longer.

在孟加拉语里,这个词的含义现已变成“一个非正式的不请自来的聚会”。In Bengali this word has come to mean an informal uninvited gathering.

安杰回家的第十天,家里来了一为不速之客。On the tenth day after jack came back, an uninvited lady came to my home.

没有什么比有一位不请自来的身着豹纹纱笼的旁观者更浪漫的事了。Nothing says romance like an uninvited onlooker in a leopard print sarong.

我们不想要邻居、管闲事的家伙、不请自来的客人和不想进行的谈话。We don't want neighbours, snoopers, uninvited visitors or unsought conversation.

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当登山者们向后看时,他们看见两名不速之客加入了登山的行列。When the climbers looked back,they saw that two uninvited visitors had joined on.

不请自来的访问公司的办公室,讨论招标文件是不允许的。Uninvited visits to Company's offices to discuss the ITB Documents are not permitted.

像所有在场的队那样,他也看到了在未被邀请的客人当中,有许多保安警察。He saw, as everyone did, that among the uninvited guests were a number of security police.

然而就在当晚,几个未被邀请的人出现了,事情的发展很快来了个致命的转弯。However, when uninvited guests show up, it doesn’t take long for the evening to take a deadly turn.

老鼠和虫子可能会啃坏你的地板,以致你掉到楼下的房间,成为一个喝杯清茶的不速之客。Mice and beetles may eat your floor so that you drop in to the flat below for an uninvited cup of tea.

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但不期而至的消息占用了我的一些磁盘空间和带宽,最糟糕的是,它们吸引了我的注意力。Uninvited messages take a bit of my disk space and bandwidth, but worst of all, they demand my attention.

莱卡对斯卡利亚法官说,没有批准令的跟踪器就像一个不请自来的陌生人登上你的车。Leckar tells Scalia that a GPS device without a warrant is like having “an uninvited stranger” in your car.

呔,哪来的尖嘴猴子,擅闯水晶宫,你也不怕我王老八?Who is this lean-faced monkey making his uninvited presence at the crystal palace? Aren't you afraid of me?