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这张支票的透支额是400元。The check can overdraft 400 yuan.

我有信用卡,但是我从来都不用透支的。I have a credit card, but I never overdraft.

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我急用一笔贷款或者透支款,以扩展生意。I need a loan or overdraft to expand my business.

它没有设置余额,也不允许透支。It carries over no balance. It allows no overdraft.

我们承兑这张支票的透支额唯有5元。We honored the check the overdraft was only 5 yuan.

咱们承兑这张支票的透支额只有5元。We honored the check as the overdraft am only 5 yuan.

我们承兑这张支票的透支额只有5元。We honored the check as the overdraft was only 5 yuan.

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咱们承兑这张支票的透支额只有5元。We honored the check as the overdraft were only 5 yuan.

我们承兑这张支票的透支额惟有5元。We honored the check considering overdraft was only 5 yuan.

商业透支项目最适合短期贷款。A business overdraft would be most suitable for short-term loans.

除了利息,透支取现还会产生手续费。In addition to interest on overdraft fees for making a cash also.

恶意透支型信用卡诈骗犯罪综述。The first part outlines malicious overdraft for the credit card fraud.

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银行为弥补透支,一般对公司都具有土地留置权。The bank has the lien on the company's land as cover for the overdraft.

凭卡办理存取款和消费结算,不能透支。Access to deposit, withdrawal, purchase, and payment, overdraft prohibited.

地下水超采现象严重,导致流域部分平原区地面持续沉降。Ground water overdraft leads to the continuing subsidence of part plain surface.

不过,对于允许透支的贷记卡,原定的上限不变。However , such maximum sum for credit cards that permit overdraft will not be raised.

首先,必须禁止银行自动将客户纳入透支保护方案。First, banks must be barred from automatically enrolling customers in overdraft programs.

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和银行一样,他们也会收透支费,不过相对来说费用低多了。Like banks, they charge overdraft fees, but these are usually lower than those charged at a bank.

我们将要做的是,运用触发器来促进银行提供的透支保护。What we will be doing with triggers is facilitating the overdraft protection that some banks offer.

咨询关于免费的学生银行、透支利率及费用和他们贷款给什么样的学生。Ask about free student banking, overdraft interest rates and charges, and any student loans they offer.