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要是我们国家早些提出这么个MRV的要求呢?What if our country had made such a demand for MRV earlier?

而我们最反对的就是这个MRV,这是焦点问题。Yet MRV is want we are most opposed to, which is a central problem.

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MRI和MRV技术相结合是诊断上矢状窦血栓的最佳方法。The combination of MRI and MRV is the best method to diagnose the SSST.

ICA呢,只是个过渡,总是要到MRV的,并且呢,越快越好。ICA is only a transition, MRV will always be needed and the faster, the better.

MRV成像是脑静脉窦或深静脉血栓诊断的首选方法。Primary use of MRV is recommended for the diagnosis of traumatic cerebral venous thrombosis or deep venous thrombosis.

“在监控、报告和核查”方面,美国对巴西、印度、中国和南非这些国家施加的压力远远超过他们对自己施加的压力。The US is pressuring countries like Brazil, India, China and South Africa much more on MRV than they will apply to themselves.

当然,关于MRV的细节仍然分歧巨大,特别是中国,它对主权的坚持几乎使整场谈判陷入僵局。Of course, the details of MRV are hotly contested, especially by China, whose concerns about sovereignty almost sank the entire deal.

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结论磁共振静脉血管成像对静脉系统血栓早期诊断具有重要意义,而早期抗凝治疗可以改善静脉系统血栓患者的预后。Conclusion MRV plays an important role in the early diagnosis of venous thrombosis. Thus early anticoagulation treatment can improve the prognosis.

本文提供了作者的研究认识,就MRV的框架进行描述,并结合一些政策制定中的核心问题进行了分析。This paper presents the framing issues for national mitigation actions based on the ideas from the authors, and analyzes key points in the MRV framework.

基于奇异扰动原理,将MRV飞行控制系统分为内外两个回路,并且为两个回路都设计了轨迹线性化控制器。Based on the singular perturbation theory, the flight control system of MRV was divided into two loops, and the TLC controllers were designed for both loops.

这会有一些与监测、报告和验证有关的棘手的问题——就是所谓的MRV议程——我们这周将会讨论这些问题。This requires difficult issues relating to monitoring, reporting and verification – the so-called MRV agenda – and we will be discussing these questions this week.

结论CT可准确地显示CVT的图像学改变,与MRI、MRV、DSA技术相结合,是诊断脑静脉病变可靠、有效和快捷的检查方法。Conclusion CT and MRI can accurately show changes of CVT, being able to diagnose lesions in brain veins fast and effectively with the cooperation of MRI, MRV and DSA.

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一些分析师认为,哥本哈根气候会议主要集中在寻求广泛的政治共识,关于如何弥合"MRV"分歧的行动可能会留到会后去推进.The Copenhagen talks are likely to leave efforts to agree on bridging this forbidding "MRV" gap until after Copenhagen, which instead will seek a broad political agreement, several analysts said.