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我无法消除她的恐惧。I can't lull her fears.

鸿渐知道这是暴风雨前的静寂。It was the lull before the storm.

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喝杯酒压压惊吧。Drink cup wine to help lull nerves.

药物使摩菲安静了三十分钟。The drug put murphy in a lull for thirty minutes.

汤姆的呼吸声就像催眠曲一样安抚我入睡。Tom's breathing soothed me to sleep like a lull aby.

惊恐完全慑服了我,使我几乎麻痹。I succumbed to the frightening and was hardly in lull.

现在的间歇很可能是正放暑假的缘故。Most probably, the lull is due to the summer holidays.

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那么,丰田有多大的可能性重复奥迪15年的恢复?So how likely is Toyota to repeat Audi's 15-year lull?

最近这斗争似乎偃旗息鼓了。Lately a lull seems to have descended on that struggle.

这肯定是个计谋,为了抚慰瓦兰提斯人的猜疑。It had to be a stratagem, designed to lull Volantene suspicions.

只有这样一个夜晚的景致和声音才能把痛苦和烦恼催眠,让它们好好地安睡。The sights and sounds of such a night lull pain and grief to rest.

午餐时间逐渐临近,喧嚣之中出现了片刻安静。When the luncheon hour drew near there came a slight lull in the uproar.

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正是由于安全部队的懈怠,恐怖分子抓住了选举后期的平静机会。The terrorists may have exploited a post-election lull by security forces.

由于约旦河西岸暂时停止了暴力袭击,游客数量创下了多年来的最高纪录。It was the biggest turnout in years thanks to a lull in West Bank violence.

这两次暴力行动中止了从7月下旬开始的严重洪灾所带来的暴力暂停状态。The violence ended a lull in attacks since massive flooding began in late July.

在以方袭击的三小时休战期里,哈马斯方面同样停止了其火箭炮攻击。During the three-hour lull in fighting by Israel, Hamas also held its rocket fire.

先尝试拥抱,用襁褓包住,来回摇晃或者唱歌来哄你的宝宝入睡。Try cuddling, swaddling, rocking, and singing to your baby to lull him to sleep first.

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在NBA执行三分球规则的第以年所发生的是使用这个规则的“平静”。What happened after the first year of the 3-point line in the NBA was a lull in its use.

日本经济摆脱当前疲弱状态的时间可能比之前预期的要晚.我们之前的预期为4-6月,目前预期7-9月,甚至可能是10-12月.The Japanese economy is now likely to take longer than we expected to exit its current lull.

四月出现了短暂的平静期,但是火山学家对此并不乐观。In April a slight lull ensued, but the volcanologists remained pessimistic about this volcano.