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你们会画吗?Do you draw?

喜欢画画?Like to draw?

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画一画猜一猜。Draw and guess.

画两个大翅膀。Draw two big wings.

我们抽牌来决定谁发牌吧。Let's draw for deal.

你会画老虎吗?。Can you draw a tiger?

草拟合同。Draw up the contract.

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我把这个式子圈起来So let me draw a box.

有的,勾出了表象。Some draw appearance.

我会画六张嘴。I can draw six mouths.

你们可以划清界线。You can't draw a line.

用格尺画条线。Draw a line with ruler.

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敬辞要我为您画一张舆图吗?。Shall I draw you a map?

你会画马吗?。Can you draw the horses?

从A到B划一条线。Draw a line from A to B.

画直线或者折线。Draw lines or polylines.

竹蓝打水一场空。Draw water with a sieve.

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竹篮子打水一场空。Draw water with a sieve.

我们抽牌来决定搭档吧。Let 's draw for partner?

竹篮子吊水一场空。draw water with a sieve.