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也许它去追萝拉和加布了?。Maybe he went after Lola and Scab?

罗拉演绎了她自编的硫黄岛战役。Lola shows us her own rendition of Iwo Jima.

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“我们能混下去的,”萝拉补充说,“我总是这样过来的。”"We can get along, " added Lola. "I always have. "

这句话从萝拉的一只耳朵进去,又从另一只耳朵出来了。The information went in one ear of Lola and out the other.

罗拉和凯克争取一切机会为美利坚争光。Lola and Keiko take every opportunity to stand tall for America.

昨天中午,劳拉打电话给我,希望与我聊聊。Yesterday noontime , Lola called me, she wanted to chat with me.

作为稀少的、骄傲的、犬类海军陆战队成员为国效力使罗拉感到非常自豪。Lola is proud to serve as one of the few, the proud, the Canine Marines.

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有我和我的朋友马维,萝拉和她的朋友萝塔,还有西索。There was me and my friend Marv, Lola and her friend Lotta, and Sizzles.

听着小萝拉的闲言碎语,嘉莉开始了解戏剧界的情况了。Carrie became wise in theatrical lore, hearing the gossip of little Lola.

她都忍不住想放声大笑一常不知萝拉看见了没有?She could hardly restrain herself from laughing loudly. Had Lola seen it?

罗拉说有各种各样的女性在寻求男妓服务。Lola said a wide variety of women sought the services of male prostitutes.

第二,当它在窝时,很安静,几乎一睡就是一整天。Secondly, when she's in her crate, Lola is calm and sleeps almost all day.

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迄今,动物园已经选出四个名字作为被选,包括K和L。So far, the zoo has selected four names to vote for, including Kadina, and Lola.

“我也会关心的,”萝拉说,“可在我受穷的时候,从来没有人帮助过我。”"I would, too, " said Lola. "But people never gave me anything when I was hard up. "

经过这些事后,我们决定在没人在家时不准洛拉离开窝。After this, we decided we would keep Lola in her crate whenever no one else was home.

电影的开始,罗拉接到男友曼尼的电话。The film begins with Lola receiving a phone call from her distraught boyfriend, Manni.

我们让它在命令下摇晃,然后当它听指令时给块狗粮。We trained Lola to shake on command by giving her a dog biscuit every time she performed.

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在帕罗马去世两个月后,她的姐姐罗拉告诉我她对遗体捐赠从未有过一丝怀疑。Two months after Paloma's death, her sister Lola told me she hasn't had a moment of doubt.

“但是会登的,”萝拉说,“你就等着瞧吧。你演得比现在大多数登过照片的人都要好。”"But they will, " said Lola. "You'll see. You do better than most that get theirs in now. "

你知道吗?为什么罗拉最近花了很多时间教我们一个好的学英文的方法吗?Do you know why does Lola spend much time to teach us a good way for learning English recently?