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下面是落款和日期。Below are inscribe and date.

他的名字刻在纪念碑上。His name is inscribe on the monument.

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书写,印刷,刻写,铬刻。To write, print, engrave, or inscribe.

在书页边上作注释或记录。To inscribe or enter in the margin of a page.

谨将本书献给我的老战友们。This book I inscribe to my old comrades-in-arms.

高一化学化学反应与能量题。Reaction and the energy inscribe one high chemistry.

这四个字,是马云当年亲笔题写的。These four characters, is Ma Yun's holograph inscribe.

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请在这儿签上姓名首字母。能否请你在这本书上签名?Initial here, please. Will you inscribe your name in the book?

您看,除了姓名和年龄就没有什么别的要刻的了。There is really nothing to inscribe but name and age, you see.

但有时候需要记下类级别的差异。Sometimes, though, you need to inscribe variation down at the class level.

那么今天什么样的“全面战略概念”是我们应当题写的呢?。What then is the overall strategic concept which we should inscribe today?

帮我找几道综合探究题是关于什么方面的呀!Helping me look for a few integrated dug to inscribe is about what respect ah!

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而不要让自己陷入模拟题分数的漩涡之中。And in the eddy that does not let oneself be immersed in imitate to inscribe a mark.

正是在教导我们蔑视名声的书籍中,哲人们题下了自己的大名。In the very books in which philosophers bid us scorn fame , they inscribe their names.

但阿斯克勒庇俄斯,它是你的名字,我将在现在的论文开头记录它。But it is thy name, Asclepios, which I shall inscribe at the head of the present treatise.

圣甲虫被用于记下祈祷放置于木乃伊内免遭邪恶的侵害。Scarabs were used to inscribe prayers to be placed on mummies for protection against evil.

很多书写记录都以这种文字保存下来,但不敢把它们刻在庙宇的墙壁上。Many written records were preserved in that script but they dared not inscribe it on temple walls.

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卡式录像机有二到七个磁头,以读取和刻画磁带上影像与音频的轨迹。They have from two to seven tape heads that read and inscribe video and audio tracks on magnetic tape.

如果他们通过,其实只有非常有限数量的他们做到了,他们的名字将被刻在石碑上,供后世流传。If they passed, only a limited number did, their names will inscribe in these stone tablets for posterity.

她大声疾呼道“我们的士兵在军营里被死亡招募而去”,这成为她的支持者们的斗争呼声。She alleged Our infantry inscribe to necrosis in the barracks, and this became the war call of her supporters.