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共享文件。Shareable files.

这些记忆将能够搜索、复原及分享。This memory would be searchable, retrievable, and shareable.

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否则,从此资源获取的连接就是可共享的。Otherwise, connections acquired from this resource are shareable.

描述了共享电子白板的应用特征。The characteristics of shareable electronic white-board are described.

反而言之,应用特定的协议越多,可共享性就越低。Conversely, the more application-specific a protocol is, the less shareable it is.

如果这些条款可以跨商店共享,则将基础契放到资产商店中。If these terms are shareable across stores, then place the base contracts in an asset store.

有一些数据库提供商已经实现了一种可共享连接来处理这个特性。Some of the database providers already provide a shareable connection to take care of this feature.

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一个原因在于该应用程序可能需要更改连接属性,而那些更改对于可共享连接是不被允许的。One reason is that applications may need to change connection attributes and these changes are not allowed for shareable connections.

但另一方面,要知道可共享连接在其他程序使用模式中还会带来连接争用加剧的风险。But know that, conversely, shareable connections also carry the risk of increased connection contention in other application usage patterns.

您可通过网络服务添加可定制并可共享的联系人信息,利用社会网络功能与其他人进行联系。The networking service lets you add customizable, shareable contact information and leverage social networking features to connect with others.

也就是说,内核将该共享库的可共享段加载到在同一内核上运行的所有进程所共享的区域。That is to say, the kernel loads the shareable segments of this shared library into an area that is shared by all processes running on the same kernel.

XML技术实现了不同系统间的内容共享和传输,Web服务提供了和站点内部相连的接口。XML technologies enabled content to be shareable and transformable between different systems, and Web services provided hooks into the innards of sites.

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在胡塞尔看来,现象学将研究意识,并不把经验所蕴含的客观的和可分的意义降低到仅仅是主观的偶然这个层面。For Husserl, phenomenology would study consciousness without reducing the objective and shareable meanings that inhabit experience to merely subjective happenstances.

通过数码记录下你遇到的人、谈过的话、去过的地方,以及参加过的活动。这些记忆将能够搜索、复原及分享。A digital memory of people you met, conversations you had, places you visited, and events you participated in. This memory would be searchable, retrievable, and shareable.

当在邮件简报、网站或者开心网上添加新内容的时候,你需要站在用户的角度思考,这条信息是否有分享的价值。When creating new content—whether it’s in an email newsletter, on your website, or on your Facebook Page—consider it from the perspective of whether or not it’s shareable.

例如,不允许在可共享的连接上设置特性,这是因为一个连接句柄的用户可能无法预见由其他连接句柄做出的更改。For example, setting properties on shareable connections is not allowed because a user of one connection handle might not anticipate a change made by another connection handle.

简而言之,所有的工作都是由一个本地个体所完成的,只有在这个人将它们通过提交到知识库中发布之后,它们才能够被共享。In a nutshell, all work carried out by an individual remains local and that work will be shareable only after that person has published it by committing the work to the repository.

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当资源可以串行共享时,系统可以在程序明确地提出释放分配的请求后,对资源进行释放。When a resource is sequentially shareable , the system can de-allocate a resource when the program makes an explicit request for de-allocation. Alternatively, it can de-allocate a resource by force.