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瓦立斯岛位于萨摩亚群岛以西很远的地方。Wallis Island is a long way west of Samoa.

萨摩人的,萨摩亚语言,或萨摩亚文化的,或与其相关的。Of or relating to Samoa or its people, language, or culture.

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图伊拉埃帕表示,萨摩亚将继续坚定奉行一个中国政策。Tuilaepa said that Samoa will continue to adhere to the one-China policy.

作者在1889年抵达萨摩亚在那里建了一座房子。Robert Louis Stevenson arrived in Samoa in 1889 and built a house at Vailima.

它经管西萨摩亚从1919年至1962年,并参加了两次世界大战。It administered Western Samoa from 1919 to 1962 and participated in both World Wars.

萨摩亚在14-0正在看起来舒适,但是后半部被阿根廷统治。Samoa were looking comfortable at 14-0 but the second half was dominated by Argentina.

20世纪初当萨摩亚还在德国控制期间,其交通法规定行车须在道路右侧。Samoa settled on right-hand traffic in the early 1900s, when it was under German control.

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共同体贸易有机冷榨椰子油来自萨摩亚的滋润和软化皮肤。Community trade organic cold pressed coconut oil from Samoa moisturizes and softens the skin.

沃森的首段航程将途经新西兰北部,然后到达斐济和萨摩亚。The first leg of Watson's journey will take her past northern New Zealand, then Fiji and Samoa.

一八八○年代,美、德两国控制了太平洋岛上王国萨摩亚。The Pacific island kingdom of Samoa was dominated by Germany and the United States in the 1880s.

美国大陆外最小的一块领土,是一九零零年所获得的萨摩亚群岛。The smallest territory outside of the United States mainland is American Samoa , acquired in 1900.

而位于日界线东侧的西萨摩亚则是世界上最迟开始新的一天的地方。And the eastern boundary of Western Samoa and Japan is the world's latest, the beginning of a new day.

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美属萨摩亚已敦促居民寻求庇护,呼吁沿岸村民寻求更高的地面。American Samoa has urged residents to seek shelter, calling on coastal villagers to seek higher ground.

在加入世卫组织之前,李博士在美属萨摩亚LBJ热带医学中心工作了两年。Prior to joining WHO, Dr Lee worked for two years at the LBJ Tropical Medical Centre in American Samoa.

他正在研究一种异常生命力顽强的珊瑚礁,它位于美国萨摩亚群岛地区,远离奥夫岛海岸。He's studying what appear to be unusually resilient reefs off the coast of Ofu Island in American Samoa.

由于接下来在萨摩亚住的是工地边上约合200多元一天的招待所,因此这里简直就是天堂了。Due to the next site in Samoa live is about 200 multivariate day of edge, so here is simply hostel heaven.

而位于日界线东侧的西萨摩亚则是世界上最迟开始新的一天的地方。Located on the east boundary of Western Samoa and Japan is the world's latest, the beginning of a new day.

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金凯德说,70年代以来,国际道路规则基本上就再没有变化过,直到现在的萨摩亚发生的变化。Since the 1970s, says Mr. Kincaid, international road rules have remained largely the same -- until Samoa.

上周,由地震引起的海啸影响到了萨摩亚群岛,美属萨摩亚群岛和汤加,170人丧生。More than 170 people died last week when a tsunami triggered by a quake hit Samoa, American Samoa and Tonga.

另外六个太平洋岛国为库克群岛、汤加、密克罗尼西亚联邦、帕劳、纽埃岛和萨摩亚。The other six nations are the Cook Islands, Tonga, the Federated States of Micronesia, Palau, Niue and Samoa.